How To Write An Award Winning Resume

Each and every person needs to know how to write an impressive award winning resume and this article is geared towards providing helpful hints and tips that will help you create an impressive resume and give you an edge over the rest. No time to waste. Let’s get straight into that.
Here is how to write a resume:

1. Use clear language that is easily understood. Do not use jargon or complex words. Simplicity is always the better option. Be specific and to the point so to speak.

2. Do not exceed two pages when you write up your resume. Find a way to include only the most important facts that would help you be considered for a particular position. Include just the facts. If your resume made any sort of impression you will be called for an interview where you will then get the opportunity to tell them more about yourself. Here’s a secret to having a lean resume. Use short sentences to pass on a point. A short sentence here meaning you should use 12 words at most. Less than 12 words to construct a sentence is even better.

3. The page with the list of your referees should stand on its own with a heading similar to that one on your resume and it should be availed to the interviewer when you are invited for one.

4. Under no circumstances should you include information about salary and wages on your resume.

The Resume Format

1. Use standard plain and clear paper measuring 8.5″ by 11″.

2. White paper is often the best but a shade of white like ivory or grey works too.

3. Leave a margin of one inch on every side of the paper.

4. Use fonts and typefaces that are clear. Shadows and use of scripts is a definite no no.

5. Do not use any form of background on your resume. This is because they take the reader’s attention from what you have written on your resume.

6. Space out your work. It’s easy on the eyes and looks neat. An interviewer is better able to quickly scan through a spaced out resume as opposed to trying to figure out a cramped squeezed out one.

7. Bold or underline your headlines. Never use the two one one item. It’s either you underline or make bold. One of the two.

8. Arrange your resume neatly by placing a bullet or asterisk for every new section.

The Resume Section

1. Contact Details – This is the part of your resume that lists down your address and telephone numbers of where you can be reached if there is a need to contact you. Remember, you need to be clear. Write your contacts in full including postal codes and area code numbers for your telephone number. Point to note, your email address needs to sound professional too.

2. Career Objective – This section requires you to state in a sentence who you are and what you want. Do not go on and on about your short and long term goals. State clearly what you are after in an objective tone. Remember to use short sentences.

3. Skills and Competencies Section – Explain your skills in a way that shows that you have what it takes for the open job position. List skills that are related to the job you are applying for.

4. Education section – Always list your most recent qualifications first and list what you achieved as a result of passing through a particular institution. For instance a degree, diploma, certificate e.t.c

5. Experience Section – Just like the education section, list down your employers beginning with the most recent. Include the name of the company and the position you held and the duration that you held it. Break it down by listing a duties subheading for every position you held where you can explain exactly what you were responsible for.

6. Referees Section – The list of your references should be written on a separate sheet altogether. Make sure that they are in the same font like the rest of the resume.

There are some resume making software available on internet. You can take help from them and You can also see the list of best resume wirter.

When preparing for an interview, ensure that you include a cover letter to introduce yourself and you can take it a notch further by sending out a thank you letter thanking them for inviting you to an interview if they do indeed invite you for one.

Along with that, it is also a fantastic idea to make business cards for yourself which will come in handy when it comes to networking.

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