Humans.txt tells who is behind a website
If you are a blogger or you own a site, you must be familiar with the famous robots.txt file. The robots.txt file sits on your FTP’s root folder and has a set of rules that tell the search engines what to index and what not to. What if you want to tell the world who is behind your site? You may say outright that there is already the about page to tell people about who is behind a website. But there are things that may not be suitable to include in the About page and everyone may not be interested in it. So, to tell other humans about who built a website or who is behind it, there is an easy solution: the humans.txt file.
Humans.txt is a simple file that you need to upload to your root folder in the FTP. You can include information regarding the people who own and run a website or say the people who are behind it. Some large sites already have the humans.txt. You can have a look at Google’s Humans.txt file here. Google has also added a notice for recruitment in their humans.txt file.
If you want to add a humans.txt to your website, simply create a normal text file and name it humans.txt. Then add the details about the developers and people behind your website. There is also a Humans.txt wordpress plugin that is based on the standards set by the This plugin has some great features as it lets you format the humans, automatically adds the author meta tags to your WordPress theme’s head tag, add humans.txt without FTP and lets you use tab in the textarea.
Humans.txt is a good way to tell the world about the people behind a website.