Category: You and the Internet

The Meetings Every Business Needs to Have

The Meetings Every Business Needs to Have

There’s no denying that communication is absolutely vital in the proper functioning of a business, no matter how large the business is and regardless of the industry in which it operates. Fundamentally, communication –...

YouTube vs Television

Top earning actors and channels with the most subscribers or viewers are good for comparison, but when it comes to the top shows on YouTube and standard television, YouTube is winning the competition hand...

Traffic Generation In The New Era Of 2013 – Part 4

Traffic Generation In The New Era Of 2013 – Part 4

Done writing quality content for today. Enough of blog commenting for the day. Tired of the long discussions in today’s forum topic. What now? Well, there’s one big thing you’re missing. They call it the Social Media.

Traffic Generation In The New Era Of 2013 – Part 3

Traffic Generation In The New Era Of 2013 – Part 3

The want for traffic on a site has never had a limit and will never do. It is believed that the more traffic received, the more money a site makes. In the previous two articles, we discussed about how the quality of a site decides for its rankings on search engines. We also discussed whether blog commenting is yet an efficient practice to generate traffic (not for SEO). It was concluded that quality yet plays a very critical role, both for search engine rankings and user experience (on the site). For the second discussion, it ended up with a conclusion that a small amount of traffic can be expected from blog commenting.

Traffic Generation In The New Era Of 2013 – Part 1

Traffic Generation In The New Era Of 2013 – Part 1

The first and the primary aim for any site to succeed is traffic. No matter how good a blog is, if there is less traffic the outcome shall also be less. Unquestionably, there are several ways to generate traffic. Some ways are not applicable to some blogs, and some are. This determination of whether a specific traffic generation activity would work or not depends entirely on the site’s niche and the owner’s decisions and willingness.

Ways to improve your Twitter engagement with pictures

Ways to improve your Twitter engagement with pictures

You may find yourself wondering just how pictures will improve your Twitter engagement. That’s simple. People respond to visual stimuli. When people see something they are far more likely to desire it, and eventually purchase it. Visual effects will enhance engagement, and in return it will increase the chances of purchase.

Autonomic Computing – A Virtual Human Nervous System?

Autonomic Computing – A Virtual Human Nervous System?

The chances are high that you must have seen sci-fi movies where there are computing models, which are self-managed and they can even heal themselves magically in case of any damage. But, what if we tell you that this isn’t a distant dream anymore? Well, yes that’s for real; autonomic computing is a kind of computing model wherein the system is self-configured, self-healing, self-managed, and self-protected. It is designed in such a way that it mimics the nervous system of the human body in that the nervous system of the autonomous system acts, and reacts to stimuli irrespective of the conscious input of the individual.

Inspiring Joomla Website Designs

Inspiring Joomla Website Designs

Joomla has become a very popular content Management system in the past for growing entrepreneurs. It has enabled site owners to conduct their business efficiently by letting them handle their online presence effortlessly.

Duplicate Content and Google

Duplicate Content and Google

Duplicate content is Google’s number one enemy – that is why the search engine giant is constantly coming up with ways to diminish if not totally eliminate it from their search engines. Yes, that is how much they dislike it.

Apple – Do they have the knack for events management?

Apple – Do they have the knack for events management?

No sooner had the wave of hype from Apple’s iPhone 5 died down, than the creative masterminds at the famous firm suddenly put forward their latest invite. While we all expect the event to be the latest round of high tech offerings from Apple, whose headquarters are in Cupertino, California, they still manage to maintain an air of mystery and intrigue.

Make Your WordPress Website Less Vulnerable to Attacks by Hackers!

Make Your WordPress Website Less Vulnerable to Attacks by Hackers!

People are often found to be worried about their WordPress websites, against the hacking threats. Business men getting worried about their websites is justifiable, as it will directly hamper their business and pull down their reputation. The bitter fact is hackers are way beyond smart to find out intelligent ways, to trick people and hack their websites. You can’t stop the hackers from attempting to hack your website, but you can try and make your website less vulnerable. Let us run you through the below information, so that you can prevent hackers from invading your website.

Brutal facts for beginners to make online money

Brutal facts for beginners to make online money

If you want to succeed in your business terms then you need to make a plan for it and don’t compromise with the quality, always make a point. Now in this article we are going to discuss some good points for those people who have just started their businesses and are looking for making online money. Instead, those people who are already been into this business need not to go till end to this article. The people who are helping them to establish their own identity and looking for new ideas to lodge a new journey with these ideas are most welcomed.

Web Hosting plays an important role in SEO

Web Hosting plays an important role in SEO

As information technology has extended its ways to the people, it has helped to explore and create necessary tools to communicate and integrate information. The accessibility has been a lot easier since people deserve to gather data and information that is worthwhile and timely.

Dedicated Servers: An Ideal Choice for Online Retailers

Dedicated Servers: An Ideal Choice for Online Retailers

Dedicated servers are often thought of as expensive but best hosting alternatives, available only to those who can shell out around $170 per month to keep their site up. But what is the justification for this hefty price tag? Is it really worth all the money that you are spending for your site?