Bing Streetside from Microsoft

Google Streetview is getting widely popular and until now is the best means to get a panoramic view of streets around the world. The fact that Google Streetview captures images which many a times have risen questions of privacy violation by people in Europe and America. Recently, Microsoft has appeared in the scene with Bing Streetside. The service is currently available only in Seattle, San Francisco and Vancouver in Canada. Watch this video.

What makes Streetview tantalizing is that it uses Microsoft’s Photosynth technology to embed pictures from Flickr into Bing Maps thus giving a visually rich experience with beautiful 3d views. The Streetside is a fledgling player in the scenario when placed aside Google Street View. So people won’t be switching to it instantly from Google Streetview. Besides that, their service is currently limited to a few cities; so it can take time before they become widely available in European countries and cities across USA.

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