Category: You and the Internet

See how much time you spend on Twitter

Twitter is a platform for many people to stay connected with their friends and families and share their latest updates. If you happen to discover any interesting website, you open up twitter and tweet about it instantly. If your brother is going to wed, you spread the news by posting a tweet. Or you just use Twitter just to get updated to news and your peer’s activities. But have you ever wondered how much time do you spend on Twitter?

Increase your internet speed

Increase your internet speed

Internet speed varies with places. In some countries the speed is amazingly fast while in some people still are compelled to hook up with very slow connection speeds. Some tips mentioned below can give you a bit faster browsing experience if you are on a slow connection:

Earn money with Skype

Have you ever used Skype for talking to your friends and family? As many of you know, it is one of the most popular VoIP softwares with over 300 million users worldwide and counting.

RSS explained

RSS explained

RSS stands for Really Simple Sydication. It is used to publish frequently updated tasks over the internet like blogs, news, audio, video etc. They are also called feeds. The feeds are read via RSS readers or feed aggreagators.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

Azure is a cloud based operating system from Microsoft. Azure is actually an operating System that runs over the internet from the Microsoft’s hosting data centers for the Azure Services Platform. Currently Azure is mainly aimed for web developers. Azure will help the Developers to manage and distribute Web Applications on the Internet through Microsoft’s own data centers.

Protect yourself from spoofs

Protect yourself from spoofs

In spoof emails you might notice abnormal urgency asking you to reply back. They can send spoof emails in the name of PayPal and ask you to reply as soon as possible or your account gets banned. They may also deceive you saying that some unauthorized transaction occurred in your account and therefore ask you to feed your personal details.

Email Spoofing

Email Spoofing

Email spoofing is a very big trouble for the internet users since long. Emails with forged headers, where the senders name are altered to make it seem like it came from some other source is called a spoof email. The activity is thus called email spoofing. This can cause a great deal of trouble to anyone because it might make the email receiver to actually believe that the email came from the original source. So if the one sending the spoof email has some basic details about the person he is sending the email to, he can use filthy tricks to make a lot out of it.

Some tricks to search efficiently in google

Say you want to find some good Museums in New York City. If you simply type USA Museums you will end up with a result which shows pages matching your query but all the results may not match your exact phrase. But if you search the keyword phrase enclosed within ” ” [“USA Museums”] you will get result of pages containing the exact phrase.

Protect yourself from spams and spammers

Protect yourself from spams and spammers

Email addresses are usually collected from chat rooms, websites, Trojans and newsletters as well, but one amazing thing is that most of the spams are sent to invalid email addresses. Most spams have links to websites and it is said that 99.68 % of those websites are hosted in only five countries worldwide. So with the exponential increase in the number of spams and spammers it has become imperative that everyone get conscious about keeping themselves miles away from spams.

Google Chrome – A Browser from Google

Google has launched a free, open-source browser which it
claims to be the fastest browser on Earth.
The interface looks simple but doesn’t look dull either. Browsing is a
real fun with google chrome.