Category: You and the Internet
Everyday starts with innovations and developments in technological devices to provide us more facility and reliance in using them within affordable price range. That is the very reason behind the development of small sized laptops, PDAs, flash drives and giant hard drives which are maximizing their storage capacity day by day.
Tech Meet Ups are becoming more and more popular as like minded individuals with a passion for technology share their interests and knowledge. It is also a platform where companies can have a few minutes to demonstrate their latest creations in front of an appreciative audience. MeetUps can take place in any city, in any country as the objective is to get people together to learn from each other. It gives attendees an opportunity to discover what communities are around them in their local area. There are no restrictions involved and every aspect of technology is open for discussion.
If you are a gadget freak youngster, you must be aware of all the latest smartphones in the market. One of them hitting the market recently, lets say HTC One X may be the phone that you are willing to own. People these days, mostly the younger generation like to keep themselves updated to the latest trends in the market. With high end smartphones being launched everyday, gadget lovers tend to ditch their older phones and buy a new one. is a price comparision and phone recycling company that helps you find the best deal for your old smartphone.
The threat landscape is constantly evolving with new ways to attack being developed by criminals every day. The threat is especially dangerous for businesses whose email contains important financial and proprietary information. Take a look at these rising threats and a few ways to protect yourself.
With the internet growing rapidly and the use of email services expanding, viruses are also spreading fast and easily. Viruses can cause terrible problems that can lead to one losing his/her confidential documents to a waiting hacker, looking for every possible opportunity to hack into your account.
When you create a dynamic website, the cloud database becomes the coal bin that supplies the engine with fuel to burn. Most programmers make the same common mistake at least once in their career: accidentally uploading the database connection file that connects to the testing environment instead of the production environment. The result is a website that crashes with a database error or the data entered by customers is sent to the wrong database.
More than anything, the internet can put your kids in great danger, if care is not taken. There have been many personal and true life stories about parents whose kids have suffered a lot after falling victim of internet predating. The dangers on the internet for kids will never come to an end; it’s you, as a parent, who has to fight it together with your kids.
VoIP technology has adapted in the telephone marketplace to where it can help fulfill the needs of many different kinds of users. VoIP runs on an Internet connection which is readily available in most households and businesses, as opposed to ancient telephone cables.
I’m not sure about you, but I would be highly agitated if someone went through my emails, dead or alive. I have a lot of personal stuff tucked away in those folders on my Gmail account.
Getting a good price for your internet service can be a very positive thing for your pocketbook. But is there more you could be doing to leverage the promotions offered by internet providers? Definitely, and all it takes is a little research and a few minutes of communication between you and the company. Here are three ways you can use various offers to get the best value before you sign.
When launching a new business online, there are a few things that are very important to have to ensure that it runs smoothly. The first is a good name that people will remember.
Facebook keeps introducing changes to certain parts of their system off and on. The latest change brought about by Facebook is their revamped photo viewer. I was just checking out Facebook and noticed the new photo viewer. The photo viewer has gone through many changes in the past. I am sure you will like this new light box photo viewer.
If you read any Internet marketing blogs, I will almost guarantee that there is at least one—and there is probably more than one—post about how you need to be building your email list. It doesn’t matter if you’re another blogger, a news site or if you are selling products on your site, having that email list is really important because it is the sure fire way to consistently bring people back to your website on a regular basis and hopefully, turn them into paying customers.
Google Maps is by far the most popular maps application on the web. But besides regular maps, you must have come across lots of interesting stuff on Google Maps. You must have seen bizarre and funny people or some interesting places on Google Maps. But how about a Batman signal on Google Maps? See the map screenshot below.
Facebook has recently rolled out its Timeline feature. The timeline feature makes users’ entire history accessible with a single click. Before the site launched this featured, many of the things users shared would get buried in archives within a few days. Facebook is the only social media site, which has more than 800 million users. Now for the first time the users will be able to see the traces of all of their activities on Facebook.
The rise of the internet and the World Wide Web has brought many benefits, but like everything else the internet also has its downside. There are lots of websites where anyone can review a service or a business, irrespective of their qualifications. If you run a hotel or bed and breakfast establishment and someone has found fault with your service, you can almost guarantee that the review will turn up somewhere on Google.
Facebook chat is pretty plain. Although it lets you have group conversations, send emoticons etc., its features are too less when compared to other chat services like Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger. But if you are a meme lover, there’s good news for you. You can now send memes to your friend on Facebook chat.
There’s nothing more elating than having people acknowledge your presence and respect your thoughts by following you on Twitter. As a popular social media tool, Twitter allows people to speak their voice, be heard, and get positive reactions from anyone around the world. However, gaining followers apart from friends and family could get a little bit tricky. Here’s what you need to know to become a twitter celebrity.
Starting a new website is an amazing task with plenty to look over and monitor. In addition to the basic website management tasks, you need to do some solid marketing so that you get traffic to your site. There is an incredibly high amount of marketing tools out there, but Google is arguably your best and cheapest one out there. Sometimes, your Google efforts are 100 percent free as well. How can you use Google to market your website?
We all need to download files from the internet almost everyday. Sometimes, the files that we are looking for are readily available and can be found with a few button clicks. But finding some other ones could be a herculean task. Not just that, one should also be aware of malwares with deceptive names. If you are looking for a suitable place to download your required files, here are some sources.