Presentation Solutions: Resources For Putting Your Best Face Forward

It’s an unfortunate reality that most individuals on the job hunt don’t have the writing skills necessary to professionally present themselves. For various reasons, one of the top complaints among employers is the fact that today’s graduates sorely lack essential grammar and syntax skills to compete in the job market. In fact, a vast number of people currently working have used resources at Universities to freshen up their writing skills or develop better habits. Besides going back to school, there are several resources that people can use that will help them brush up on the basics and help them put the best face forward.

Ideally, anyone who wants to gain a better understanding on key grammar and syntax approaches should seek the guidance of an education professional, but, in the mean time, there are many online and app resources that will prove effective in the short-term to get that job you’ve been fighting for. It’s a tough job market out there and it doesn’t matter if you’re enrolled in nursing degree programs or getting your business degree, you have to possess the ability to intelligently express yourself.

This Interactive web site offers a wealth of information for users. It’s free to anyone who’s interested in it and it’s a great way for you to learn or freshen up on key writing skills. The quizzes on this page cover the gambit and will introduce concepts anywhere from sentence structure to verbs to basic mechanics. This site will allow you to, systematically, go through each part of the writing process and teach you the basics as well as more complex writing issues.

Grammar App

The site listed above is more for those individuals who have the time to sit down and pour over a substantial amount of information. Not everyone has the luxury of sitting for hours on end and taking such a systematic approach. For those who lead more mobile lives, there are several apps out there that could prove beneficial. Large portions of people today have smartphones that can support applications. If you’re one of these people, Grammar is a good start. It’s more of a quick guide through the world of nouns, adjectives, articles, and other basic parts of speech. This is more of a basic overview that will assist you in brushing up your grammar and syntax skills.

The Grammar Up App

Grammar Up is another application for your smartphone that will do much the same as the Grammar app. There are many apps out there that will expand your word knowledge, but this isn’t always necessary. First, you have to understand how to write before you can use big words. It won’t do the trick if you’re simply throwing in five syllable words into a sentence that’s poorly constructed.

If you’ve ever wondered if your resume, cover letter, or college paper is up to snuff, then you probably need to look at some of these resources. Hoping that your potential employer will “get the gist” of what you’re trying to say is a big gamble that will not see the returns your hoping for. You might want to consider these if you’re a college student as well. Either way, everyone can benefit from increasing their writing skills. The time will be well spent and the effort will return to you in spades.

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