Is Facebook bringing forth a new design?
Facebook has undergone a lot of changes since its establishment. They bring new designs and adds components time to time on Facebook. Facebook could be rolling out a new design very soon as evident from the small changes being seen in Facebok. And it sure is likely that many users will protest the redesign.
I was surprised to open up the chatbox today to find small thumbnails instead of names. Some days ago, there was a minor change as only the first name would be displayed instead of full names in the Chatbox; maybe Facebook was giving us a hint. I just happened to notice another thing as well, the message saying that your friend is now no longer online to chat is now displayed in Red background in place of the earlier grey background. The “Clear Chat History” option has also been removed
Earlier this day, the Facebook’s like button had disappeared across many websites(I won’t say all as I don’t know about others). They have fixed it by now anyway. You must have noticed a few days ago, the numbers on the left hand column beside messages, applications etc. which wasn’t seen previously.
Facebook is holding an event an event today at their headquarters. Facebook has been in a state of Lockdown which is actually called “Lockdown” where the staff might have to work 24/7. As Techcrunch believes, the design of profile pages will now look like the Places pages. They also say that the chat could be moved to the left side. After Twitter’s new design called the “New Twitter” (which hasn’t been activated for everyone yet), Lets see what Facebook has in store for us.