Laptops overheating

laptop overheatingNowadays, everyone wants everything small. And if it’s already small, they want it smaller. That gives designers a unique challenge, make it small and powerful! A when it comes to making something small & powerful we look at the biggest thing that makes a difference, and that’s the processing unit of the chip inside the product. Without going to deeply into why this is so, I will say that it’s the biggest thing that’s upgraded when buying a newer product. Furthermore, when you’re on your Smartphone and it starts to get slow the moment you try to open several programs or windows it’s because the processor just can’t keep up!

Much to my and my customer’s dismay, laptops seem to get hotter now more than ever. Even their 4G iPad is experiencing overheating issues, and much of it is because of the technology that’s inside could be too much for the enclosure that holds it. With the new designs and concepts that laptop manufacturers are making and presenting to consumers have a very thin and slim design? Which is great, but they house very high power customers and since their cooling and fan systems are inherently inadequate for providing proper cooling to your unit, you are bound to have a dead computer in 2 – 3 years. And the biggest thing that makes this even plausible is the method used to build the computer isn’t very user friendly to take apart. For example, in many older style laptops, it is possible to turn the laptop over, remove a few screws and be staring right at the heat sink & fan assembly.

When it comes to making something very simple, there is a lot of complexity backing the design ensuring that the product works effortlessly. And when it comes to the complicated designs, it takes much more effort than a typical end user would utilize to check for a problem that may or may not be there. This brings me to my next point, dust and debris. There is no possible way to fully prevent your computer from breathing down dust day in and day out. And this build up can cause nasty side effects to your computer. Most noticeable would be the gradual slowdown of operations and performance of your computer. Your system might start experiencing unexpected shutdowns in the middle of normal use, and it also might start developing strong concentrated heat in one section of the computer.

It’s a good thing that the computer turns off in this manner however, because if it didn’t the computer could potentially create so much heat that a fire might occur. And since it turns off prior to something of this sort happening, it not only protects you but your surrounding area as well. Once people are aware that overheating can occur and how damaging it could be, they would supposedly take the proper measures to ensure that it doesn’t happen to the laptops of their own. The best thing to do would be to fetch a can of compressed air with a long nozzle to fit into the crevices of a laptop. With the laptop properly blown out, you’ll notice that dust will fly out of all the vents that it has.

And that’s what you need to know about laptops and how hot they can get! Be very careful when handling a hot laptop; try not to rest it on your LAP! Covering up the exhaust on the bottom of the laptop will cause the laptop to get hot and burn you very slowly over time. You don’t need to get hurt playing with your laptop!

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