Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community
Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an evolutionary attempt of small businesses (SMBs) to connect with their communities through online search. With over 62 deal buying sites reaching new industries, consumers are even more eager in finding businesses around their corners (Beard, 2011). According to Search Engine Watch’s report by Local Offer Network (2011), companies invested in local SEO are increasing sales, improving visibility and strengthen their brands by focusing their efforts on optimizing their websites for local searches.
Increase Sales
Imagine reaching millions of customers within a 100 mile radius of your business. The statistics can back any idea that it’s possible. For instance, local businesses reported an increase of earnings due to their submissions to free local search tools like Google Places , Google Maps, Yahoo Local, and MSN Live search. These tools are invaluable and can maximize your earnings if you engage prospective customer directly. Other instances of increased sales occur as 100 million people research and compare before buying products or services. If you want to reach new customers, you have to be found online (Stewart, 2007).
Improve Visibility
Visibility is key in online marketing. SMBs with stronger presences online attract more customers. If someone mentions your name from an online ad, they can search or visit your site to see who you are and what you have to offer. Unlike previous marketing efforts, you need experienced professionals to measure the metrics of your returns by building your sites content on originality. Today’s consumers are open to learn more about authentic companies and local SEO is the way to have them come in your door as well as strengthen your brand.
Strengthen Brand
Local SEO strengthens your brand by offering a promise online then funnel the sales process in-store. If you discuss your company’s successes online, you should be able to provide the same customer service. Using a local strategy can improve your customer reviews, expand your network of prospects and battle your competitors head on (Beard, 2011). Customers will find you, meet you and decide if you are a great fit for their needs. Your community wants to know who you are and improving your visibility online is the first step.
Local SEO is experience all SMBs must have in today’s competitive market. It’s fun, easy and a real push towards getting sales from people you already know. The only difference is – the world will be able to find you as well. Invest in learning the principles or hiring professionals to make your business available in search results today.