Make a Google Translator beat box
Google Translator is by far the most widely used translation engine on the internet. Google Translator has added a lot of features since its release making it all the more desirable and user friendly; it has also been integrated into many other applications like Gmail. Google Translator also allows you to listen to your translation as speech. Here’s a trick that shows how you can have a beat box music from Google Translator using its Text-to-Speech feature.
Google Translator’s text to speech feature is wisely devised for different languages. It differs with the way people of different languages speak in their own tones. Open up Google Translator and set the language translation from German to German. Now paste this into the box.
“pvpv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk ddddd pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkkddddd psch”
Now press the listen button and see how easily you’ve created a beat box. You can also modify this by playing around with the letters; just make sure that no vowels appear anywhere. Put the non vowels p, v, z etc. together and use “d”s for a drum-like sound. But remember, the language must be set to German; it won’t work if the language is set to English. It works with French or Spanish too but sounds a bit like a low hum. So set the language to German to get a better beat box effect.
This virtual beat box on Google Translator sounds really cool, like a DJ doing some mixing.