Make Effective and Great Responsive Web Design
In the modern age, there is a great trend of creating own business website by means of a lot of web design companies. There are a huge amount of web designing companies in all over the world. If you are living in Dubai, you can get outstanding and superb web designing tools from Web Design Company UAE. Responsive web design is the most important form of web designing. It will be very beneficial and advantageous to create responsive web designs and for this purpose you have to recognize a few tools. Here I shared 10 most helpful and supportive tools for responsive web design. I have listed that tool in the following.
1- Responsive Typography
2- Flexible Images
3- Responsive Web Page Layouts
Responsive Typography
There are a lot of tools by which you can make good looking and attractive typography, let us talk about two of these tools.
1- Lettering. j’s
It is a fabulous tool that is intended specially for the designers so that they can get a chokehold on their typography. Basically it is a jQuery plugin that is designed to manage the look and appearance of the web page. Doesn’t matter, whether you are working with responsive web design or not, if you have lettering. j’s so it will also be very helpful to craft a real and creative appearance of your web page.
2- FitText
If you want to make your headlines responsive, in that case this plugin will surely help you as it is another jQuery plugin. FitText also help you to fit your display text on whatever devices. This plugin make you skilled and expert to make creative look of your web page, the reason behind this is that it is so simple and uncomplicated.
Flexible Image
When we choose the type of web page, after this the next level is to starting the process of setting images in our responsive web design.
3- imgSizer. j’s
If you want to get complete knowledge about the code of imgSizer. j’s, before moving straight to the code, I suggest you to thoroughly interpret Ethan Marcotte’s breakdown by which you can get the real roll of this code that it plays in responsive web design. If you want to remove the images from your web page, Marcotte’s script play an important role to achieve your goal.
Responsive Web Page Layouts
If we talk about a fluid and flexible layout that is the main and essential part of responsive we design, it adjust itself according to the attributes of the browser and to the screen as well. Now we are going to discuss about its all points in the following.
4- Fluid 960 Grid System
960 Grid System that is designed by Nathan Smith is the system that is used in all over the world, do you know about it? If “yes”, then check out this fluid adaptation of unique plan. But if you are stay with the original 960.g’s, I am sure that you are fully aware about the implementation and use of Fluid 960 Grid System.
5- Gridless
If you are using a grid system that not suits to your limits, I suggest you to examine Gridless. Gridless is totally different from all other grid systems. It was created by bearing in mind about responsive web design.
6- PXtoEM
A boring mathematical procedure that is linked with exchange fixed-width design work to a fluid layout is exchanging fixed units of measurements for example PX and PT into relative units of measurements we can say, EMs with percent (%) for that is meant for spacing, container width and typography and so forth.