Make your own toolbar and more with conduit
Many of you must have installed Google, Yahoo or MSN toolbars on your browser mainly because of their ease of use and some quickly accessible features which you use often. These offer you many functionalities like advanced and customized web search, auto form filler, important info on the webpage that you visit etc. Many other sites also provide free toolbars for increasing interactivity with the users and for promoting their products. But if you run a blog or a website, you can also give away a free toolbar to your visitors. Hey wait before you brood, you don’t need to be a programmer or empty your wallet for this. Conduit is that powerful tool which lets you do it in a few steps. Its as easy as having an icecream. And believe me, even if you think of paying price to create a toolbar for your site, it won’t be any powerful than the one you can create with conduit.
Conduit calls its toolbar, a community toolbar. You can create the toolbar for use in more than a dozen languages. The search engine for your toolbar is google but you can select one from the country domains of google. You toolbar can work as a RSS reader for your website too. Not only this, you can also customize it to fetch feed from other websites.
Your visitors can now do everything from social networking to shopping or listening to music and radio all through your conduit community toolbar. After creating a basic toolbar, you can add a lot of gadgets and tools to your toolbar like weather notifier, email notifier, popup blocker, floating gadget boxes etc later on.
You can have a detailed information on how the components of your conduit community toolbar are being used and the usage rate of each component. They can be modified by adding or removing components later on, just like customizing the Firefox Toolbar. The amazing thing is that once you make changes to your toolbar, it will automatically be updated on all your subscribers toolbars. So next time if you intend to feature any product on your website, do it on your conduit toolbar as well and see the results. Community desktop alerts are also available after installing conduit which keep the subscribers informed of events, news special offers on community, friends and activities.
Conduit provides you a personal page like iGoogle or Myyahoo called the u-page. U-page is actually a customized homepage for your users. It is a page where you can set your logo and brand. The updates you make on your toolbar are automatically gadgetized on the u-page. The gadgets can be moved about freely through a drag and drop feature. Your users can also customize their u-page by adding all sorts of gadgets like weather, email alerts etc through the mystuff feature of the toolbar.
There is much more to just building a toolbar, conduit helps you to promote it to your subscribers through its online promotion kit. You can select from lots of promotional banners.
So, go ahead and create your very own toolbar with conduit. I also created mine, a very basic one which can be downloaded from here.