Make Your WordPress Website Less Vulnerable to Attacks by Hackers!
People are often found to be worried about their WordPress websites, against the hacking threats. Business men getting worried about their websites is justifiable, as it will directly hamper their business and pull down their reputation. The bitter fact is hackers are way beyond smart to find out intelligent ways, to trick people and hack their websites. You can’t stop the hackers from attempting to hack your website, but you can try and make your website less vulnerable. Let us run you through the below information, so that you can prevent hackers from invading your website.
Upgrade your WordPress to the latest version:
Hackers will always try to get inside the platforms, which are less secured. Here the website is less secure, if it is running on an older version of WordPress. Hackers will run an automated process, to find out whether your WordPress is the latest or an older version. The moment they find that your website is running on an older version of WordPress, they will dig through to enter your website by making use of the hole of obsolete security databases.
Use the latest version of WordPress which is 3.2.1, to be on the safer side.
Upgrade all themes & all plugins:
You might use the latest version of WordPress, but it is always better to be sure that all the themes and plugins are also upgraded. While running the automated process, if they find a single older version of plugin or theme, that would suffice their attempt of landing on to your website to cause ruinous damage to your online reputation. Do not take such risks, and keep your themes and plugins upgraded as soon as the latest version releases.
Delete the ‘admin’ user:
Let us assume that your WordPress is of the latest version, your themes and plugins are also upgraded. It is a good thing, but do not be too glad as the ‘admin’ user still stays on your WordPress site. The hacker may write a script and run it on your platform, using all possible words available in his dictionary.
Every time he runs the script to hit your website, he is taking a chance to hit inside your website. But, you can’t afford to take any chances with your website. It is better that you create a new user and pass on all the administrator privileges to the new user. The last step would be, definitely delete the old ‘admin’ user account.
Set a strong password for yourself:
You seem to be very secure by now, which is a good news. However hackers’ tricks are not out of stock yet, the moment you publish a blog, they will make a note of the author’s name or username and start chasing you. They will run the automated password script that will use all possible combinations of words, available in his dictionary. The username is, of course the one obtained from your latest blog entry. So to avoid this issue, set a complicated password which is a mix of symbols, special characters, upper & lower case letters.
Now, you know almost all the ways hackers try to make use of a hole in your WordPress website, and you can go through the above practices to have a secured WordPress website.
This post sponsored by Jianjames, Jian is an avid blogger apart from blogging he likes to review about the local tech support companies, Have a peek into Mytechgurus for online tech support
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