Manage tasks on Remember the Milk with Twitter
Remember the Milk or RTM is popular among many of us. The task management web application allows us to manage multiple tasks from any computer and can be done offline too with Google Gears. Remember the milk has many advanced task management options. Do you know that you can also manage and add tasks to Remember the Milk via Twitter?
Remember the milk allows users to interact with it via Twitter direct messages. But first, you’ll need to follow Remember the Milk’s on Twitter that will automatically follow you back. Now just do the basic settings. Now go to your direct messages page and send a direct message to rtm which will be your task. The task will then automatically be added to your Remember the Milk Account. Or you can also send your direct messages with the command d rtm your message.
Now, if you want to add a date and time option you can do it like this:
d rtm pick up the kids at 3pm
d rtm return from holiday in 3 weeks
If, you have a friend who uses Remember the Milk, and also has @rtm integrated to his Twitter account, you can send a task to him through Remember the Milk.
@username call John at 6am tomorrow
You can also finish or cancel a task in rtm with Twitter. !complete task name completes a task. !postpone task name postpones a task. Here is a list of commands that help you get the tasks due today or scheduled on some date.
!today or !tod gets tasks due today
!tomorrow or !tom gets tasks due tomorrow
!gettag or !gt call gets tasks with the specified tag
!getlocation or !go office gets tasks at the specified location
!getdue or !gd friday gets tasks due on the specified date
!getlist or !gl personal gets tasks from the specified list
!on enables task reminders
!off disables task reminders
!confirmon enables confirmations (task actions, such as adding tasks via Twitter, will be confirmed)
!confirmoff disables confirmations (task actions, such as adding tasks via Twitter, will be confirmed)
!help gets help info
!tips gets a list of commands
You’ll need to send all of these commands via direct messages in Twitter.
Using these Twitter commands for Remember the milk, you can easily manage your Remember the milk tasks via Twitter.