Category: The Mobile World

Windows Phone 8: It’s Make or Break Time

Windows Phone 8: It’s Make or Break Time

The Windows Phone OS has been kicking around for a few years now. So far, Windows Phone 7.5 has mostly been included in Nokia’s Lumia range of handsets, which have proved to be moderately popular in certain countries including Germany, though they have failed to put Windows Phone on the map – the operating system’s market share is still measly. Windows Phone 8 is set to be a modest revamp of the OS, which should increase its uptake on smartphones outside of Nokia, and hopefully get it noticed by more users.

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

All phones have their advantages and disadvantages, but the one thing that people around the world are looking at right now is the cost. We’re in difficult times financially with prices increasing and disposable income decreasing, so more and more people are looking to cut costs wherever possible, and the mobile phone is one area that people are looking at.

Finding the Right Mobile Phone For You

Finding the Right Mobile Phone For You

When you’re looking for just the right mobile phone, you need to look at it as a whole, rather than as just a phone. There are so many options out there that getting the right phone is almost like finding your soul mate. For instance, you have to consider:

On Medicaid? Get a Free Government Cell Phone from Lifeline

On Medicaid? Get a Free Government Cell Phone from Lifeline

If you’re a US citizen that is currently living with a very low income or participating in federal assistance programs like Medicaid or Food Stamps, you may qualify to receive a free cell phone courtesy of the Lifeline Across America program. This federal government initiative was established to ensure that every adult across the nation has access to their own phone, regardless of their financial means.

Strong and durable Mobile Phones

Strong and durable Mobile Phones

The market of mobile phones has changed considerably during last 5 years. Most of mobile devices today are smartphones or tablet PCs, which include over 63% of mobile devices totally used worldwide. It is natural – we all know that smartphones are able to perform really challenging, useful, and very often – just funny tasks, like games, applications and other stuff which cannot even be compared to a usual mobile device capabilities. That’s why people pay more and more attention to smartphones – and this process seems to be only growing during the nearest years.

Android Malware and More Corporate Concerns

Android Malware and More Corporate Concerns

More malware trouble ahead as the latest malware terrorizing the technology market is found to be clinging onto hacked websites in order to target mobile devices. As if android spy apps were not enough, this is another eye opening threat. Never before have websites been used to target mobile devices. The malware, Notcompatible, is a Trojan that goes specifically after Android smartphones and tablets. Trouble for android security is nothing new, people have been wondering how to deal with spy apps for Android and other Android spyware for a while now.

Don’t Even Think About Traveling Abroad Without a Cell Phone

Don’t Even Think About Traveling Abroad Without a Cell Phone

Cell phones serve a lot of functions in our modern world. They can help you get out of danger, they can help you find where you’re going, and they can even help you pass the time when there’s little to see and not much more to do. In a foreign country, all of these functions can be particularly helpful to you. If you get into a bad situation in a foreign country, your cell phone might even save your life.

Samsung Galaxy Y duos or Micromax A75 which Dual Sim smartphone to Buy?

If you have been a dual sim feature phone user and you have just decided to make the switch into the latest crop of smartphones you will often find yourself facing a difficult choice. Chuck one of your 2 Sims or face the old hurdle of carrying two smartphones. Thankfully the mobile manufacturers have identified your needs early and have come out with a few promising smartphones with dual sim capability. The latest to join the list is Samsung with its Samsung Galaxy Y duos and Samsung Ace Duos smartphones. However one of the oldest players in India for the dual sim smartphone has been Micromax with its Micromax A75 Superfone, which boasted of amazing specs as well as a Dual Sim. Which one should you choose: the big brand Samsung Galaxy Y duos or Micromax A75? Let’s take a look.

Top 5 Mobile Phones for Women

Top 5 Mobile Phones for Women

Gone are those days when only bulky mobile phones were made to fulfill the needs and desires of the ‘men’ of the society. The Mobile phone companies have discerned the gadget-love of a woman and have come up with many stylish designs, attractive colours as well as many pink features like built-in mirrors.

The biggest competitors: Android and Apple

The biggest competitors: Android and Apple

As Google and Apple continue to add some spice to their never-ending tugs of war, the ever-consuming question certainly arises. Who outweighs in terms of their respective operating systems? More importantly, who has managed to surpass the other through better technology, advanced features and an overall enhanced user experience via tablets and smartphones churned out from their quarters? Although the battle between the iOS and Android always has something up in its sleeves, users generally seem puzzled about which one to sift out. Since there are pros and cons to both operating system models, we have decided to plunge into an inclusive overview of who performs better and which one catches extra points. Take a look and make up your mind!

Mobile Video On Demand: The Perfect Cure For Road Trip Boredom

Mobile Video On Demand: The Perfect Cure For Road Trip Boredom

Long car journeys are an absolute nightmare for most people. There’s always a back seat driver who thinks they know the road better than the person behind the wheel, and small children will no doubt regularly ask the dreaded question: “Are we there yet?” Imagine if there was a way to appease their discomfort, a way to keep them occupied whilst you fully concentrate on arriving at your destination. Mobile video on demand could be the answer to this.

5 Best Android Phones on the Market

5 Best Android Phones on the Market

Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile devices out there. With the only other serious competitor being Apple’s iOS, it’s difficult to say otherwise. Being perhaps the most popular operating system out there, there are a ton of phones currently running it. With such a huge selection of phones running Android, how can you pick the best one? Well, in an effort to make the choice easier on you, I’ve put together a list of the five best Android phones out there right now.

Siri; your virtual personal assistant

Siri; your virtual personal assistant

Siri is Apple’s digital personal assistant that is voice-command controlled. The intelligent personal assistant can send messages, dial phone numbers and schedule meetings through voice control. Siri understands the natural speaking voice and will ask questions for clarification if necessary. The new technology takes advantage of the dual-core A5 chip present in the iPhone 4S. WiFi and 3G networks are used to communicate with Apple’s data centers to provide a quick reponse to the user.

The State of the Appmosphere

Currently there are over 250,000 android apps in Google Market Place, a number that will no doubt have almost doubled by the end of 2011. The Android platform is growing at the speed of light and may even overtake Apple’s ios platform any time soon. But do these facts equate to a unanimous success story?

Motorola Atrix 4G: Not Just an Ordinary Smartphone

Motorola Atrix 4G: Not Just an Ordinary Smartphone

Often mistaken as a smartphone, the Motorola Atrix 4G, which serves as a laptop, a set top box, a desktop computer and a smartphone, is not “just” a smartphone. Its dual-core-CPU-sporting device carries the load of not only coordinating these four devices as one but also endorses support for a 4-inch, 960 x 540 display, HPSA +data and an array of other sensational specs. This is what renders the Motorola Atrix 4G as “a whole new kind of device”. A device projected to take the place of netbook, or perhaps even more through its Webtop environment. The question however is, will it prove proficient enough to take over as your replaced home theater? Does this device possess the potential to be a game changer or will it fade away like other trivial devices, without leaving a mark? Here is a review to help you decide.

The Future of Online Service

The Future of Online Service

There was a time, not that long ago, when wirelessly connecting to the Internet was a high-tech option that couldn’t be afforded by a majority of people yet now it’s becoming more commonplace than ever. It’s likely that, with further wireless innovations, most services will no longer require stationary routers and our mobility will only improve.

Going Mobile: We’re all doing it now

Going Mobile: We’re all doing it now

Using a computer used to mean being stuck at a desk if you wanted to anything. Then came laptops and computing became portable, but a bit cumbersome if you wanted to do it on the move. Along came the netbook and its lighter weight made things much better, while all the while mobile broadband has slowly been getting better and helping to join up the dots when it comes to computing on the go.