I was looking for info on the best plugins available on word press I couldn’t find anything better than my own list, maybe I am just a bit you know sort of prig (not the right term though) but I do believe lots of guys would think the same when it comes to my top Five list of plugins for wordpress. So let’s get down to business.
Alfie WP Weather
Its summer and its burning hot, while I do check weather forecast whenever I plan on visit inside country. I couldn’t find anything better than Alfie WP weather plus it kind makes your website look cool plus gives you hour to hour forecast which is great for someone like me who travels a lot. The Alfie WP Weather gives you the whole info in one compact little widget in quite comprehensive manner and it uses yahoo news for info on weather forecasts.
Automatic Updater
Have multiple sides to manage and update this one is for you it helps you in managing updates by giving you an update plugin that works by one click. Plus it gives you the capacity to set up auto themes on your WordPress site and let you inform automatically via email in wake of any attempts or changes made in your site. This plugin is great for newbie’s but for pro’s it could mean a lot of trouble as at times you might want settings without any auto updates for plugins and themes on your WordPress Site.
Comments Not Replied To
You are tired of looking all around your website or it takes great amount of time to locate and reply to comments that you missed, didn’t reply for one or other reason. Well I always wanted something that would help me that, something that would make my replying and interaction with my viewers swift and easy and this is it. By utilizing this plugin at your wordpress site it will add another column to your wordpress dashboard showing you the comments that you didn’t reply plus those that you did. Cool han!!
BJ Lazy Load
Okay if you are running a website that use high quality rich imagery or images for that matter you can use BJ Lazy Load, it cuts the loading time to considerable amounts and that’s why I have it on my WordPress website and plus that it also has the customization option from where you can select a particular iframe/image on your side that you want to lazy load.
AddThis Welcome Bar
Social media has revolutionized the internet and gone are the days when you used to do the business or site promotion just based on SEO now social media promotion also plays a great role and to be social with people and to ask them to promote you on their social platforms you can use this welcome bar. plus for anyone that visit your website and you can give them a custom message to sort of have that social bonding with your visitors it’s a great plugin esp when it comes to promotion on social media where it helps you in getting your message across.
Short and sweet
I wonder why somebody won’t reckon my list especially the last three in it but as the famous adage goes “there is no accounting for taste” so yeah in the end it’s my top five list. And if you don’t like it ;p than you better check out something else like the whole world is after mobile phones, android and Iphones so I am sure you will find something more interesting out there.