New TV technology by Samsung – is your TV watching you

The latest slim line TV sets are a far cry from their early ancestors, and certainly different from the cathode ray tube monsters of just a few years ago. While they are still recognisable as a TV with a remote control handset, they are more than just a viewing medium. Interactive and intelligent, the lines between computing and watching TV are becoming increasingly blurred. Read on to learn a little more about the future of TV, a future which has already arrived for some. Your TV may be watching you to deliver personalised viewing

The latest top of the range Samsung LCD TV models are cutting edge innovations and bring the world of high tech gadgetry into everyday living. These new generation Samsung LCD TV sets include a built-in high definition camera combined with a microphone set completewith face and speech recognition software. If you watched the movie Total Recall released in the middle 1980s with Arnie in the lead role, you may remember an entire wall being an interactive TV viewer, controlled by voice commands.

Well that future is here and now with Samsung LCD TV sets like the ones featured in the image. These sets, while not quite like some of the images we have seen in movies down the years are the forerunners of what is to come. The software which is installed in these Samsung LCD TVSmart sets allows Samsung to recognise who is viewing the TV at any one time. In addition the voice recognition software enables the viewer to speak commands to which the TV will react. Not quite sci-fi yet but certainly an early indication of the direction in which home viewing and entertainment is moving.

Entertainment and the Internet

The lines between traditional TV transmissions, home entertainment such as DVD and Blu Ray and increasing numbers of services available on the Internet, are becoming increasingly blurred. On a PC, laptop and even a hand held device it is possible to make video calls to anywhere in the world.

The potential for the fusion of all of these features into a TV which is linked live to the Internet is now possible; it is just a matter of time before these enabled sets become mainstream. As prices begin to drop as they surely will,  and as with all technology advances it takes a while for it to become the norm.Smart TVs are just the beginning of the next evolutionary period of the little box which first appeared in 1928.

Samsung are able to remotely monitor what you are watching and by the use of face recognition software also determine who is watching at any time. Programming can be tailored to individual or group preferences based on viewing habits, viewing times and who is viewing. Ultimately this leads to a better viewing experience and as the software and hardware develop over time, the Samsung viewing experience will only get better.

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