The latest version of Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer 9 has lots of improvements over the older versions. Lots of things like a minimalist design, pinned sites, a single box for address bar and search...
Kinect, the “controller-free gaming and entertainment experience” as Microsoft calls it lets users control and interact with their XBox 360 without using a game controller pad. Oliver Kryeros has used two Kinects simultaneously do capture different angles of the same object at any instant.
It’s already a fact that APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the primary way to distribute and access services. Over the past few years, many services have begun offering an API as part of their core product, rather than a just offering a website or an app. But there are many who don’t offer API. Mashape plans to embrace the trend of API offering by making any cloud service or application programmable while providing access to thousands of developers who can use it.
The friends list on your Facebook profile or the “Edit Friends” page lets you browse through your friend list. Facebook has enhanced the Friend search feature by letting you search using various filters like city, hometown, school, workplace, interest etc.
Windows Phone 7 has a totally new and user-friendly interface and is smoothly integrated with other services. Applications for the Windows Phone 7 are currently being developed and applications for Twitter, eBay etc. are already available. Some more applications have been released, of which some are just demos.
Adobe has launched a new application called “Project Rome”. Project Rome is a content creation and publishing application for consumers, small businesses and educators. The tool is for users who don’t have technical knowledge in designing applications. Users can create rich multimedia content, websites, design and other stuff without the knowledge of desktop applications or say the Adobe Suite. Moreover, Project Rome is currently free for use.
Facebook had removed the “Clear chat history” option which was a bit odd as there was no point in removing it. Many users had protested the removal with a point that it was violating user privacy. Facebook has responded to their protests and has conceded that the “Clear Chat history” option shouldn’t be removed.
Google’s homepage today has a very unique doodle. Its a tribute to the great artist John Lennon of Beatles for his 70th Birthday(born: 9th October, 1940). You’ll see a big G, a tree and simple landscape sketch replacing the two “o”s. The other “g” and “l” are intact while the “e” is again replaced with a play button.
Today Twitter has announced a New revamped Twitter that they had been calling the New Twitter. Although many users had already experienced it some while ago, the rest hadn’t got a chance to see what it looked like. The New re-engineered Twitter has a lot of features and you’ll love it for sure.
O’Reilly media’s books on computers and technology have been the favorites of nerds and noobs. O’Reilly offers multiple DRM formats for download. PDF, EPUB and Kindle compatible books are the most popular formats. People prefer to read the books off formats and O’Reilly has produced a neat graph showing the popularity of these file formats.
AOL announced today that it will acquire Techcrunch Network of Sites. Techcrunch and its associated properties will come under AOL’s umbrella while the editorial independence will be retained. The announcement will be made on stage at Techcrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, CA.
Now onwards, Google Apps will support OAuth Login. Google Apps provides a secure and reliable platform for your important data. Google Apps administrators had to sign requests for calling the Google Apps API previously by the aid of their username and password. But this put them into the risk of sharing password across websites which may or may not be trustworthy.
The top Twitter users have over 5 million followers and they are mostly the top known celebrities in the Entertainment industry. Lets see what they tweeted when they first joined twitter. Here’s a list of the First Tweets by the Top Twitter users with the highest number of followers.
The buzz about the new Twitter has engrossed the Internet. Many Tech blogs have already written about it at their first hand experience. But everyone hasn’t got a chance to use it just yet. But here’s a simple utility that will notify you when your account is ready for the New Twitter.
In July 2009, Twitter launched verified accounts. It was twitter’s move to establish the authenticity of accounts so that the users could be sure that the people they are following are legitimate. Right now...
The video of the much anticipated Internet Explorer 9 is leaked on Youtube. The browser is scheduled to be released on 15 September 2010 at the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco, California. In...
Google has recently launched its Instant Search, a completely new approach to the way we search things on the internet. The real time results are pretty amazing and this is surely going to effect...
Google hadn’t mentioned a speck about its Doodle of 7th September 2010 i.e. yeterday, it now has a very amazing Doodle on its homepage. It seems like we’ll be getting to see a new Google Doodle everyday.
Facebook has allowed its users to have a unique username for themselves and surprisingly a whooping 200000 usernames were registered within 3 minutes after launching the service.
Twitter search sorts the results by their date i.e. in a chronological order and not their relevancy. There is a need for a perfect search engine like Google, Yahoo etc. for microblogging sites like Twitter.