Category: News and Events

Bing API for developers

Bing API for developers

Microsoft’s Bing is out for a while now. Many of us have already tested Bing and found it to be much faster and user friendly than Live search. Well developers get ready for the Bing API. Bing has a very good REST API.

Search options added in Google Video Search

Search options added in Google Video Search

Google Video search has added some advanced search options making it more easier to find videos. You must have noticed one of the latest features in Google Search, the “Show Options”. A similar “show options” can be found in Google video search too. You just do a search and you’ll see the “search options” at the top of the page.

Google Chrome out for Mac and Linux too

Google Chrome out for Mac and Linux too

Google Chrome, the browser that is gaining much popularity today has built temptation for Linux and Mac users regarding the launch of Chrome for these platforms. Well now Linux and Mac users will be able to use Chrome, or to say a crash prone version of Chrome.

Some great new features in Animoto

Animoto is a web application that automatically generates professionally produced videos using their own patent-pending technology and high-end motion design. You’ll just need to upload images and you’ll have a stunning video comprising of your images. You can also add music to your videos. There are some really cool transitional effects available and every time you get different result even for the same collection of photos. You can also add background music for you videos.

Microsoft comes up with its new search engine Bing

Microsoft is soon rolling out its new search engine, Bing. Formerly known as Kumo, Bing is the latest effort by Microsoft in the Search Engine scenario after live search. It is expected to be public from June 3, 2009. Rumors have it that Microsoft will be investing a 100 million dollars for its promotion.

Facial recognition technology now comes to Facebook

Many of us have started using the facial recognition technology to search people offered by iPhoto or Google Picasa. But how would it be to look for your friends’ photos using the Facial Recognition technology? Sounds cool? is bringing this technology to facebook via a new application called the Photo Finder. Not only you’ll be able to search your friends’ photos in your network but also look for them in other photos where you’ll get suggestions for tagging them.

Google to display more relevant Adsense ads

Google has taken a huge step ahead on targeting the Google Adsense ads. Google has announced that now onwards, the ads will not just be relevant to the content of the website on which it is present but also related to the type of content that people love to see on the internet. Google has launched this “interest-based” advertising as a beta test on its partner sites and Youtube.

Foxit Reader releases Security patches

One of the most popular alternatives for Adobe Reader, the Foxit reader has announced security patches for some of its vulnerabilities that were discovered some time ago. Many of us know that Foxit Reader is a very easy to use tool for reading PDF documents and one need not bear the hassle of installing the software, it can be used by just copy-pasting.

Spam messages from Adult webcam site on Twitter

It looks like Twitter or most likely some third party Twitter services hadve been hacked. The message “hey! 23/Female. “Come chat with me on my webcam thingy here” was found in the update stream of many people. The messages seem to be from some adult webcam site. When I searched for the term on Twitter search, I found a number of tweets with the same thing.

Microsoft envisions the future of 2019

Microsoft envisions the future of 2019

Seems like Mcirosoft is on big plans to get more sturdy,intuitive and beautiful. A video released by Microsoft’s, Business division shows some groundbreaking technology that many of us may not even have thought of.

OLPC cuts down Workforce by 50%

The One Laptop Per Child project announced that it is cutting its workforce by 50%. It has also said that salaries for the remaining staff have been reduced. For the upcoming changes in the coming year, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the group made an announcement in the company’s blog.

The best places to work at

The best places to work at

Creativity flourishes at places where people get to exercise their brains and body in a cool environment. Glassdoor, a site that surveys about the best workstations around the globe has come up with a list of 50 best companies to work at based on the ratings from the employees.

Internet Explorer’s Bug Patch to be Released

Internet Explorer’s Bug Patch to be Released

Microsoft is going to launch the patch for the Internet Explorer’s bug called Zero Day Vulnerability. Because of this bug, several websites suffer from a malicious JavaScript, which targets Internet Explorer 7. It may execute a series of redirections to multiple URLs to finally connect to one of several different domains.

Obama upto appointing Chief Technology Officer

Obama upto appointing Chief Technology Officer

Barack Obama, the newly elected US president plans to create a new governmental official post of a Chief Technology Oficer(CTO), foreseeing the possibilities of advancements in Technology in near future.