The New Twitter now open for everyone

Today Twitter has announced a New revamped Twitter that they had been calling the New Twitter. Although many users had already experienced it some while ago, the rest hadn’t got a chance to see what it looked like. The New re-engineered Twitter has a lot of features and you’ll love it for sure.

New Twitte for all Twitterers around the world were eager to experience the New Twitter for some time now as everyone on Twitter hadn’t had their accounts activated; Twitter had given the privilege to a handful of users only. But still, Twitter hasn’t made the New Twitter a default interface. Users can opt out of it and revert back to the older version. Twitter launched the New Twitter when there are rumors going on about Facebook introducing a new design very soon.

new twitter interface The New Twitter is rich in terms of design and ease of use. Users can see media shared by their friends like pictures and videos from the major media sharing sites like Flickr, Twitpic, Twitvid, Vimeo etc. You can see the related tweets, other tweets by the user, a map of the location from where the Tweet was sent etc. on the details pane. You can see a user’s mini profile on clicking the user’s name without having to visit his profile page. You can add a custom background too, like you could earlier. There are lots of other features in the New Twitter and there are very slim chances of users opting out of it.

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