Create your own comic strips with Stripgenerator

You must have been a comic crazy when you were a child. I won’t need to tell that comics give a quick message to the reader in a very amusing way. But making comics of your own must have been a thing that you wouldn’t have ever thought of. Well if you wish to make short and sweet comic strips to show off to your friends without having much knowledge in drawing, then Stripgenerator is there for you.

make comic strips Stripgenerator is a very easy tool to create short comics.  Actually the site calls itself a “Strip Blog. All you’ll have to do is sign up for a free account and begin making your strip blog posts. When you click on the create link for making a strip, you’ll see a very user friendly flash based interface for inserting your items. Actually you won’t need to do any drawing for making a comic strip as there are a number of objects to choose from for inserting into your comic. Actually this in a way is easy for the user in one hand and on the other, this adds  limitations to your strip as you are not allowed to create anything of your own even if you possess the skill.

There are five categories of items for inserting like Humans, Beings, Objects, Shapes and Bubbles. In the Humans category you’ll see the a lot of faces and human figures which you can insert in your comic strip. The next category is Beings where you’ll find a handful of funny animal faces. Objects like TV, radio, door etc. fall in the Objects category and basic geometric shapes can be found under Shapes. Inside Bubbles, you’ll see Text bubbles which you can insert in your comics.

Inserting these in your comic is very easy. Just click on the cartoon object you’d like to insert and drag it to the frame. Once you drag it, you’ll see the control handles around the object to adjust its size and orientation. On the lower side, you’ll see buttons for adjusting your font size, flipping objects, inverting their colors(black to white and vice versa) and bringing them front or sending back. You can also undo the changes you made just in case you make a mistake.

You can adjust the width of the frames but the height remains fixed. Once you constrict your frames in width to have enough room for another frame, you can add a frame to the right. When you complete your comic strip, you can Print or Publish it.

Though the site has made it easy for us to create short comic strips very easily, I found a lot of things which I should nag about. Like there is no option for colorizing the objects, all just black and white. The library of objects is very much limited and after you use it once or twice, you’ll feel the necessity of more. Anyway, if you just want to build short comic strips to show off to your friends or to give a quick message to your blog readers in a funny way, then stripgenerator would be just fine.

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