Find errors in CSS using CSS lint

CSS forms the main aspect of a website when it comes to visual appeal. CSS codes can be written in many ways to obtain similar results. But your CSS code may not be free or errors and other coding issues. If you want to quick fix your CSS code, CSS lint is the tool for you.

CSS Lint is an online tool that analyses your CSS and then presents you with a list of errors and bugs in your CSS code. All you need to do is paste CSS code into the textarea provided. CSS Lint will then generate a list of errors and warnings in your code.

CSS Lint mentions the line number in which an error is found so that it becomes easy for you to fix it. In the description column, you’ll get the description of the error or warning. In the browser column, you can see the browser for which the error can occur.

After writing your CSS code, head over to CSS Lint, paste the CSS code and Lint it to get a list of errors(if any) for a quick fix.

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