Facebook’s vanity URL had created a buzz among Facebook users and a whopping 200K usernames were registered within the first three minutes after Facebook announced the Vanity URLs. Google+ is gaining a lot of attention and people are looking forward to having a vanity URL for their Google+ profiles as well. Google+ profiles as of now have very long and difficult to remember URLs. Google has plans for launching vanity URLs very soon but many of you may not be very patient about that. If you want to have a vanity URL for your Google+ profile for now, you can get one from Gplus.to.
Gplus.to is an online application which lets you have a Google+ vanity URL. Getting a vanity URL is very easy; all you need to do is provide your Google+ profile ID and choose a nickname. You can copy your Google+ ID from your Google+ profile URL. The Google+ profile URL looks something like this https://plus.google.com/u/0/112587603304580066638/posts. Just copy the number after /u/0/ from your profile URL and paste it in the box saying “Your Google+ ID” on Gplus.to. Now type your desired Google+ nickname in the other box and hit the add button. Your Google+ vanity URL is now ready to use.
Gplus.to gives a cool nickname for your Google+ profile that can be used as the Google+ vanity URL.