Google Maps Submerges in Underwater

Google Maps has dived in underwater with the help of the Catlin Sea view Survey, a Bermuda-based insurance firm. After neglecting Google Maps for iPhone 5, it has decided to bring some unique feature to its map. The firm has contributed the ability to dive down under the surface of the sea with its latest add-on to Street View. It provides a deep scan of six of the world’s most unbelievable underwater spot including coral reefs in Australia, the Philippines, and Hawaii.     

Users will have the dynamic experience of turtles, fish, and drawn pirate ships. You can see an antique rock coral, which may be a number of hundred years old. They may discover new species and find the climate changeability. It is a very excited work for Google to bring some panoramas that never seen before.

The effort would help scientists analyze ecosystems and raise general awareness, the program director said. While Google’s engineers provided a technical support to the project, the actual photography, with covering images, found by the Catlin Group. They built up a submersible agreed with three wide-angle lenses intended to get high-resolution images in low light conditions. The apparatus took a 24-megapixel photograph from each lens once every four seconds to give 360-degree views, as the rig eased up the reef at about 2-3km/hour.

“We need to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and public awareness. We need people to be able to experience the ocean.” Users can perceive marine imagery online at The user can explore marine view without diving into the ocean, and you can capture the stunning image on Google Maps.

Google is now experiencing with live creatures of the world and this effort will put Google in the acme position in the market. Users can easily experience the beauty of the ocean through Google Maps.

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