Keep a track of your most loved web applications

You use a lot of web applications everyday to satiate your digital thirst. But keeping a track of the latest updates happening on them might require your deep concern. Don’t worry, Unwrapp will make it snappy for you.

unwrapp track web applications Unwrapp is a newly launched web application that lets you stay tuned to the latest updates happening around with your favorite application. It is currently launched as a beta. You can manage tasks like keeping yourself updated on things like new versions, features or upgrades. You can choose your services from a comprehensive directory. You can also look for the web-application by searching with the integrated search engine which not only shows the applications you were looking for but also the ones which are similar to it.

Unwrapp also shows the latest news about any application but currently it shows ones from Techmeme only. Besides this, new applications can also be submitted by users.

The service currently lacks notification via RSS or email but hopefully it will be integrated soon. So with Unwrapp, you can keep track of web applications very well.

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