Online scientific calculator

calcoolate logo We need to use calculators every now and then. But we don’t happen to use scientific calculators very often. Calcoolate lets you use a virtual scientific calculator online. This online tool is very easy to use. You can directly input mathematical commands from the keyboard. The tool looks clean as there are no digits, just a handful of buttons for mathematical functions like sin, cos, tan, log etc.

online calculator If there’s an error in your input,this online scientific calculator automatically highlights it in red. To do a calculation, just give the syntax and press “=” without the quotes. If you want to calculate 245+846,  just type 245+846 and press =.  All your calculations are saved in the history. You can also assign a name to each of your calculations. Later on, if you want to use them in other calculations, you can use them by their names. Like, if you assign the above result a name “a”, you can later do calculations by directly using the keyword, for example: a+10, a*10 etc.

You can find your calculations saved in the history. You can copy or delete them anytime you like. You can also directly enter a simple mathematical command in Google search to get the result. Anyway, chocolate is a great tool for making scientific calculations online.

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1 Response

  1. Tim says:

    Here is a much more powerful scientific calculator:

    click the calculator image on 1st page and it will let you use it without login in.

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