Category: Online Tools

5 Little-Known Factors To Consider When Choosing An Online Backup Service

5 Little-Known Factors To Consider When Choosing An Online Backup Service

Whilst the benefits of online backup services are many there is a big issue when it comes to deciding on which service is most appropriate for you. The problem is that on face value they all appear virtually identical save for the name and so as a result many people end up making a decision based on something basic like price rather than looking more fundamentally at what you get for your money.

Hi-Tech Innovations for Geeks

Technological innovations have been happening in industries ever since there have been inventions. These innovations focus particularly on the improvement of products, services, ideas and technologies and hence, have no doubt contributed to the betterment of man’s life. As in the past, this year will also see some innovative ideas that is thought to be of immense help to not only computer and mobile industry but also to business, social networks and car industry.

Somoto Review

Somoto Review

The more you interact with your customers or potential customers, the higher the probability that you can convince them that you have something that they need. The Somoto Toolbar has been developed with social media at its heart but an extensive set of additional functionality at its core.

An Online Strategy For Charities

An Online Strategy For Charities

Getting your charity out in view for the public to see can be quite difficult. Since there are literally thousands and thousands of charities in every single country you will need to do something special to make people aware of your cause. What makes things worse for some charities is that they might be competing against more established, well-known and better funded charities with the financial means to make glossy adverts and hire people to look for donations.

Best Private Proxy

Best Private Proxy

There are many options available when considering a premium proxy. Competing companies offer different types of services at varied prices. When deciding which is right for you, consider these factors:

The 10 Best Online Meeting Tools

The 10 Best Online Meeting Tools

Technology has enabled businesses to trade globally, this means that there is more satellite offices all over the world, customers are from all corners of the globe and managers and directors need innovative ways to stay in contact with these staff members and customers.

7 Steps to Follow to Pick the Right Free Website Creator

7 Steps to Follow to Pick the Right Free Website Creator

Building a website for free without requiring any formal training or education was simply unimaginable until a few years ago. However, with the introduction of free website creator tools, web designing has been made easier for the common man. There are literally hundreds of free online web development tools, so it is important to know which tools to rely on and which ones to ignore. A hasty decision of choosing a free website creator tool can cause inconvenience later on as you will have to switch to another program and start building your website from scratch.

How to setup Apple iCloud for work and business

How to setup Apple iCloud for work and business

One of the most frustrating things about the number of mobile devices flooding the enterprise today is the difficulty in keeping information consistent across all of them. Apple’s iCloud service can solve that problem for small businesses, and it’s fairly simple to set up.

Best Tools To Check For Plagiarized Content

Best Tools To Check For Plagiarized Content

Plagiarism is basically a form of cheating in which you present other’s ideas (work/task) as your own. The idea can be anything, a song, web page, book, television show, article etc. But still different people have different definitions regarding plagiarism. If you copy someone’s idea and you properly cited it, then it does not come under plagiarism. But if you do not mention the source (from where you copy this idea) then it comes under PLAGIRISM.

6 Gmail Labs Photographers Should Use

6 Gmail Labs Photographers Should Use

Gmail is arguably the best free email service for photographers. It comes with 7703 MB of free storage space, a neat interface that has recently been enhanced and excellent spam protection. On top of this, Gmail also comes with several little-known but useful features called Labs.

Online Marketing Technology; Essence of Online Business Success

Online Marketing Technology; Essence of Online Business Success

Nowadays, each and every person is building an online identity for his business online because he knows that he can reach the most people around the globe that way only. However, to run your business online, you need to be aware of a number of things including the basic tools and online marketing technology.

Build Your Own Website with Website Builder Technology

Build Your Own Website with Website Builder Technology

As an internet user you might take for granted websites which offer easy-on-the-eyes design and tremendous usability but only when you have to create a website of your own will you realize how much time and effort is required to prop up an efficient website. While, technically speaking, a website is created when a web designer and a web developer join forces to come up with a brilliant design, these days most small-scale employers wish to hire only one individual who possesses both aspects of website building.

Tips about Exit Popups

Tips about Exit Popups

Exit popups aren’t used very frequently – probably because webmasters are unaware of how powerful they are, or even that such popups exist. But exit popups do exist and it will be a pity...

How to use Food Buzz

How to use Food Buzz

Blogs were once a strange phenomena limited to techies. That stigma is long gone and, perhaps, the biggest blogging niche belongs to the foodies. Food blogs are everywhere and their writes range from big time magazines to stay-at-home moms to professional chefs. Do you want an obscure Indian recipe? You can bet there’s a blog that focuses on just that.

Test what features of CSS3 your browser supports

Test what features of CSS3 your browser supports

You can’t be quite sure if your browser supports all the features of CSS3. If you want to see what features of CSS3 your browser supports, just head over to CSS3 Test.

MSN Visualizer – A visually appealing music showcase

Ever wanted to enjoy music while watching beautiful handpicked pictures? MSN Visualizer, does just that for you. It is a music showcase app developed by Swiss design house Hinderling Volkart. The app pulls pictures from Flickr and song lyrics to render music videos for a group of tracks. The lyrics for the songs are shown on the screen word by word and they sync perfectly with the song.

Chargify: A Billing System For Your Site

Chargify: A Billing System For Your Site

As businesses continue to move to the online front it is becoming more and more common for sites to have online stores or paid online services. And with that comes the responsibility of running a payment system that is convenient to your users but can also avoid problems with things like bad credit cards. Here as an option for small businesses is Chargify.

Top Four Sites for Free Flash Games

Top Four Sites for Free Flash Games

Today, thousands of people are proving their creative skills at internet in terms of making various types of flash games thanks to Adobe Flash. If you love Flash games and are seeking some wonderful sources that offer free Flash Games to their users, just take a look on the introduction of these best websites that offer free flash Games.