Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator by ColorZilla

A background with color gradients looks more appealing than just a plain single color background at times. Gradient backgrounds for websites are usually created with Photoshop’s gradient tools. But gradients can also be used on website via CSS codes. ColorZilla has a web based color gradient toolkit called “The Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator” that makes it easy to play around with color gradients right from the browser and then generates the CSS code for it.

ColorZilla Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator“The Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator” toolkit has an interface that looks pretty much like the gradient color generator in Photoshop save for the opacity level for colors that isn’t present. There are predefined gradients and you can click on them and being changing the position of the color sliders and finally grab the CSS code for it. Besides this, new color points can also be added to the gradients by clicking anywhere on the gradient color bar. You can change the color of such gradient stops by clicking on them and using the color picker or remove them pressing the delete button. There’s a small checkbox saying “internet explorer” for making the CSS code compatible with Internet Explorer as well.

The orientation of the gradient can be set as horizontal or vertical. You can specify the size for the gradient block as well. When you’re done, simply copy the CSS code, ready to be used on your website. The Photoshop like, “Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator” is compatible with the latest versions of Firefox, chrome or Safari. The CSS code generated with this tool is cross browser compatible but on Internet Explorer, the gradients are a bit simpler.

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