Use Wolfram Alhpa for Urban traffic stats

From telling distance between two cities in the world to complex mathematical calculations, Wolfram|Alpha does it all. Wolfram|Alpha can now also give you the traffic stats for a lot of cities in USA. You can now have urban traffic statistics regarding average peak travel time, daily rush hour etc. using Wolfram|Alpha. It lets you compare traffic and get statistics of urban transportation in more than 100 urban cities in USA. Wolfram Alpha utilizes the data from Texas Transportation Institute’s Urban Mobility Report.

You can go ahead and type the name of a city with the word ‘traffic’ before it. You will then get graphs for the traffic history in minutes per day per person, average delay, fuel spent in delays and more. Wolfram|Alpha gives various other data like average daily peak period vehicles, average daily peak period travelers, daily rush hour length, average peak travel time etc.
Wolfram Alpha Traffic
Besides traffic stats, Wolfram|Alpha also gives data on the road network. It tells you about freeway length, arterial street length and more. On Wolfram Alpha, you can also see the average public transit trip distance, total public transit use and unlinked public transit trips.

You can also compare the urban traffic stats for a couple of cities. Just go ahead and type traffic followed by the names of the cities you want the traffic stats for. Wolfram|Alpha will then give you similar traffic data on those cities in a table.

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