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The Top 3 Android Apps for Business on the Move

The Top 3 Android Apps for Business on the Move

With people using their smartphones for all kinds of purposes, ranging from business to social, entertainment to administration, it helps to find out how we can make the purpose for use simpler. After all, not everyone likes the built-in applications that come with smartphones, whether it’s the iPhone, the Blackberry, Android phones or Windows phones. Everyone has their own opinion – a bit like who is going to win tournaments or MVP awards.

The Big Challenges faced by Mobile Application developers

The Big Challenges faced by Mobile Application developers

In today’s universe of mobile application developments, the pressure is quiet high on the application developers .Developers are expected to bridge the growing gap between ever demanding user expectations and the dynamic technology. They remain the key for the existence and growth of mobile application universe.

What are the newest things to come from Apple?

What are the newest things to come from Apple?

Apple, long thought of as only computer manufacturers, surprised the world by opening their product line to include the iPod nearly eleven years ago. Since then, they have branched out into all areas of mobile technology including phones and tablet computers, and every year they innovate again and release the newest addition to their stable. This year was no exception, and if the rumours are to be believed, then next year will be just as exciting.

An Online Strategy For Charities

An Online Strategy For Charities

Getting your charity out in view for the public to see can be quite difficult. Since there are literally thousands and thousands of charities in every single country you will need to do something special to make people aware of your cause. What makes things worse for some charities is that they might be competing against more established, well-known and better funded charities with the financial means to make glossy adverts and hire people to look for donations.

How to Arrange Music on Your Android Phone

How to Arrange Music on Your Android Phone

Music can be considered man’s best friend. It calms your nerves, soothes the mind, gets you motivated, makes you feel relaxed enough to fall asleep yet at other times pumps you up to snap out of the most tiring phases and keep pushing forward. Different kinds of music thus effects people differently.

Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering For iPad Review

Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering For iPad Review

Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering is all about action and less about setting the scene, with a story that is not overbearing. But for those who love a great tale, you are entrusted to defeat the Sovering and save the land as one of 5 legendary warriors known as “Scorpions”. After eons of ceaseless bloodshed, the time to destroy civilization’s greatest adversary has arrived, so you must go forth into a 3D world to slay over 100 beasts and complete perilous quests on your way to an epic final battle against the formidable demon.

2 companies that are going to change smartphones from the outside

2 companies that are going to change smartphones from the outside

If you think we’ve seen rapid mobile innovation in the past few years, you haven’t seen anything yet. Smartphones and tablets might be faster and more powerful than ever, but the real innovations are yet to come. While the big players such as Apple and Google will certainly play roles, it’s outside companies that will make the big pushes.

Using GPS Devices in Every Day Life

Using GPS Devices in Every Day Life

For many, technology is something they despise purely because they can’t get certain things to work how they think it should. For others, it is essential in every day life and allows them to do far more than they ever thought was possible.

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

All phones have their advantages and disadvantages, but the one thing that people around the world are looking at right now is the cost. We’re in difficult times financially with prices increasing and disposable income decreasing, so more and more people are looking to cut costs wherever possible, and the mobile phone is one area that people are looking at.

The future of high Speed Satellite Internet

The future of high Speed Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet is a figure of high speed Internet service. It employs telecommunication satellites around the globe to offer Internet access to clients. Satellite Internet service wraps regions where cable and DSL access is engaged.

How I Gained a Renewed Appreciation for My Smartphone

How I Gained a Renewed Appreciation for My Smartphone

A couple of weeks ago, the unthinkable happened to me. I was making a quick errand run before work and as I went to get out of my car, my phone fell to its death. OK, so it’s not that unthinkable—phones break all the time, right? Well, this has NEVER happened to me—I’ve always been the responsible phone owner, updating every two years at most. But, at the risk of sounding completely dramatic, I did not handle it too well.

4 Awesome Personal Health Websites

4 Awesome Personal Health Websites

The internet offers a wealth of information about every subject imaginable, and this is no different when it comes to information and education about health related issues. People tend to be very curious about their health, and sometimes very paranoid about their health as well. While the internet can be a helpful resource for basic information, it should never be used as a self-diagnostic health tool of some kind. Just because a web site may say that your symptoms are in line with a rare form of cancer, it does not mean you have cancer. Only a professional medical technician can tell you that information with any kind of accuracy. So, always keep in mind that personal health web sites are only meant to inform, not to diagnose any illnesses or cause people fright from the information that they provide.

3 Awesome Social Media Apps

3 Awesome Social Media Apps

Once upon a time, in a not so distant past, social media was looked upon as some sort of novelty, that would fade into obscurity like internet chatrooms, America Online and a million other internet sensations that slowly but surely faded into the memories of the general consciousness. Obviously, unless you have been living under a rock for the last decade, this is no longer the case. Here are some well known and most used social media apps.

Finding the Right Mobile Phone For You

Finding the Right Mobile Phone For You

When you’re looking for just the right mobile phone, you need to look at it as a whole, rather than as just a phone. There are so many options out there that getting the right phone is almost like finding your soul mate. For instance, you have to consider:

On Medicaid? Get a Free Government Cell Phone from Lifeline

On Medicaid? Get a Free Government Cell Phone from Lifeline

If you’re a US citizen that is currently living with a very low income or participating in federal assistance programs like Medicaid or Food Stamps, you may qualify to receive a free cell phone courtesy of the Lifeline Across America program. This federal government initiative was established to ensure that every adult across the nation has access to their own phone, regardless of their financial means.

Significance of Reverse Lookup Phone Technology in Everyday Life

Significance of Reverse Lookup Phone Technology in Everyday Life

“What number is that on the caller Id? “ Our caller Id is connected to the television so you can see the name and the phone number of the land line phone calls on the television when you are watching. “I do not know?” she says with guilty suspicion. I am not sure if she is taking that tone of voice to be funny of if she really is guilty “Well, they are always calling.” I flip through the options section to try to pull up the number again “I just thought they were your bill collectors,” she mentions with a smirk. I give her a stern look “Really? I keep up with my bills” she folds her arms and continues to watch the screen I’m going to call them back,” I say with an as-a matter-of-fact tone. She tries to grab the remote but I stand up and hold it way above her head “No don’t do that!” She pleads “Why? Is this one of your old girl friends?” “No.” she says grabbing her iPhone, “but we can use the internet to do a reverse phone number look up.”

Advantages of Using a Mobile Survey App

Advantages of Using a Mobile Survey App

Everywhere you look, the world has gone mobile. Whether it be mobile computers (tablets) or mobile phones; in particular, the ubiquitous smartphone. People seem to constantly on the go and they want the convenience of their technology “essentials”with them at all times.