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Cool Android Apps for Bright Minds and Intellectuals

Cool Android Apps for Bright Minds and Intellectuals

Android apps are wonderful tools for the bright and intellectually active minds, whose brains excel at everything they do. Adept at multitasking, they are always on the lookout for some new cool and useful...

4 Common Mistakes When Starting a Weight Loss Blog and How to Avoid Them

4 Common Mistakes When Starting a Weight Loss Blog and How to Avoid Them

Starting a weight loss blog is just like starting any offline business. Don’t be deceived into thinking that there is less risk of failure because you’re operating online and have invested less in tangible assets. Many have become bloggers in this field after being swayed by popular opinion and the fact that a good number of urban dwellers are overweight. But numbers can be deceptive; much as demand for mobile devices is growing, not every brand is making profits. However, if you have discovered an untapped niche in the weight loss industry and have an idea of how you can exploit it through your blog, it could be worth taking the risk and getting started.

Medical Billing and Claims Management Software- How It has Reformed Health Care Services

Medical Billing and Claims Management Software- How It has Reformed Health Care Services

“Automation” is the latest catchphrase today. Whether it’s about operating a machine, gadget or computer, you will find some sort of automation involved in it. Considering the same, many people from healthcare industry are now trying to automate certain processes, including medical billing and claims management. If you’re also interested in the same, you should conduct some research and opt for the best management software to proceed.

Where to buy the best desktop computers

Where to buy the best desktop computers

Desktop computers are being used in every part of the world. In almost every home in a developed country, there is at least one desktop PC being used. Home users usually prefer to have a Desktop PC because of easiness of use and high performance. Laptops, Netbooks and Tablet PCs have invaded most of the consumer electronics industry but desktops are still in demand. A PCworld author has revealed the fact that all-in-one desktop computers will take the place of tower desktop computers in a matter of time.

5 Most Popular Websites in the US

5 Most Popular Websites in the US

The internet is a strange place sometimes, almost like a popularity contest in so many ways. There are some web sites in particular that are always at the top of the heap in popularity, and then there are some web sites that are still popular, but perhaps a little over the hill, and thus way past their glory days. Then, there are the new kids on the block, the modern web sites that rise in popularity seemingly overnight. Most of these fade away also, but not always. Every once in a while, there is a website that has something new and improved to offer and will then stick around as one of the most popular web sites for years to come.

Yahoo! Axis – New Generation Plugin/iOS Application for Web Search

Yahoo! Axis – New Generation Plugin/iOS Application for Web Search

Just when we thought Yahoo! was way behind other browser giants like Google and Mozilla, it released Axis,an innovative iOSapplication and plugin for iPad, iPhone, and desktop computers.This new plugincame as a wonderful surprise to most users and has received mostly positive reviews from software analysts since its release. Yahoo! Axis promises a better, smarter, more visual experience when surfing the web.

Strong and durable Mobile Phones

Strong and durable Mobile Phones

The market of mobile phones has changed considerably during last 5 years. Most of mobile devices today are smartphones or tablet PCs, which include over 63% of mobile devices totally used worldwide. It is natural – we all know that smartphones are able to perform really challenging, useful, and very often – just funny tasks, like games, applications and other stuff which cannot even be compared to a usual mobile device capabilities. That’s why people pay more and more attention to smartphones – and this process seems to be only growing during the nearest years.

10 Free Apps for Beginners of Nokia Lumia Windows Phone

10 Free Apps for Beginners of Nokia Lumia Windows Phone

If you happen to be someone new to the Windows Phone gadget and are not much aware of Nokia Lumia 800 or Lumia 710, then I’d like to inform you about the integration of ‘Windows capabilities along with the power plus experiences users will get to have with Nokia’ is something totally new and it includes all the vital elements of an incredible Smartphone. Considering the solid and impressive outlook, superior performance along with a powerful and robust OS of Windows makes this Nokia gadget more of a power house. In this post I am listing down the 10 free applications for Nokia Lumia Windows phone which you are going to enjoy on your device a lot.

Reliable testing with Automation Testing Tools

Reliable testing with Automation Testing Tools

Since everything else in this world is getting automated and brilliant with time and is same with software testing? The invention of powerful software automation testing tools is answer to the need of getting the most in the minimum of time.

How to Prepare Your Website for Internet TV

How to Prepare Your Website for Internet TV

Perhaps you have already heard about Internet TV like Google TV– a new way of entertainment. Browsing the Web via TV from the comfort of your couch sounds very tempting. Add to that interaction via social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, browsing the videos via YouTube or making a call via Skype, and these televisions of the future seem like a next best thing in the tech world.

How Video Games Are Expected To Change The Storm Of The Internet Industry By 2012

How Video Games Are Expected To Change The Storm Of The Internet Industry By 2012

Video game is a million dollar industry with millions of consumers worldwide increasingly searching for the most thrilling games. Fifa 2011 and Mortal Kombat were some of the most preferred games in the year 2011. 2012 is expected to take the gaming industry to a whole new level as major players in the market like Xbox and Nintendo Wii jostle for market shares.

How to save money on a new computer

How to save money on a new computer

Buying a new computer can be a very costly task, but if done according to a few rules and steps, it does not necessarily have to be. Shopping for a computer, like shopping for anything else, takes some patience, some research, some cash and a whole lot of flexibility on your part- especially is you are constrained by a limited budget.

Choosing the Right Laptop

Choosing the Right Laptop

As with most electrical goods, it can be an extremely daunting task to decide which laptop you should spend your hard-earned cash on. With so much choice out there, it’s hard to weed out the truly great laptops from the not-so-great.

3 awesome productivity apps

3 awesome productivity apps

Being productive is something that comes along fairly easy these days, but staying productive…well, that is a whole different subject altogether. We live in a busy bee world, but we also live in a world that is constantly occupied by distractions. With the entire internet being available to us, at our beck and call, at all times, it is tough to stay focused on tasks, and it is even tougher to remember every little thing we have to do in one day. But, because the world is more connected than ever before, we can also use those very same distracting computers for good- such as helping us remember everything we have to do in one day and to help us become more productive no matter where we may be at any given time.

Five Tips for Online Shopping

Five Tips for Online Shopping

Shopping is something you either love or hate doing. For many it’s a form of relaxation, quoting “retail therapy” to their partners who are being dragged around the high streets for the umpteenth time that month spending money that they don’t really have. For others, it is a way of treating themselves after a long month at work when pay day finally arrives.

OpenStack -A Global Open Source IaaS Cloud Computing Project

OpenStack -A Global Open Source IaaS Cloud Computing Project

In today’s enterprise computing discussion, there’s a growing concern over the stability of the open, closed and hybrid cloud computing environments. Rackspace, an enterprise-level managed hosting service provider, believes they have found the solution in OpenStack. For those out of the loop, OpenStack is the global open-source infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud-computing project started by Rackspace Hosting through a partnership with NASA. In very basic terms, the project is aimed at creating an environment where companies of virtually any size can create cloud-computing systems of any size with standard hardware. This means a free, fully customizable cloud environment that is scalable, versatile and agile regardless of size or infrastructural limitations.

The $49 Mini Laptop: Will It Influence the Computing World?

The $49 Mini Laptop: Will It Influence the Computing World?

VIA Technologies Inc., a corporate group noted for bringing out innovative electronic products, has created a stir in the world of compact PCs by launching the $49 mini laptop. Called as the APC 8750, this mini laptop is actually a product that has been aimed at the developing world. However it is still not the cheapest PC in the world. For, the Raspberry Pi – a Linux based system priced at just $25 had been released earlier. Still it is hoped that this brand new mini laptop will make computing affordable for thousands of people who can’t buy expensive hi-tech products.