Tech Tips and Tricks, How Tos and more Blog

How to Optimize Your Business Blog for the Search Engines

How to Optimize Your Business Blog for the Search Engines

You’ve read about the importance of blogging on your favorite blog and you’re starting to take some steps to begin your new blogging career. You already know how important having a great design is to having a great first impression on your readers and you’ve done every other great thing you can think of.

Online Htaccess tester

Online Htaccess tester

If you are a PHP programmer or a user of some PHP based CMS, you might be well familiar with the .htaccess file. .Htaccess file is a configuration file that is supported by various web servers and it allows the management of web server configuration. There are several rules that can be specified in the htaccess file. If you want to test your .htaccess file, here is a nifty htaccess tool for it.

Infographics and Other Creative Ways to Help Your Linkbuilding Campaign

Infographics and Other Creative Ways to Help Your Linkbuilding Campaign

In order to run a great link building campaign, it helps to know why you are doing it in the first place. Sounds pretty basic right? Sometimes it’s easy to get swept into doing some form of Internet marketing without fully understanding the reason behind it, other than “that’s what everyone else is doing.” Yes links are good but why? In addition to greatly helping SEO efforts, in the form of helping your search engine ranking, getting back links can help increase your site’s credibility and bring more traffic and exposure to your content.

Useful Apps to Convert Your iPhone into a Knowledge Centre

It seems like every day you hear about some new app for iPhone, and that may very well be true, as there are developers working on adding to the app pool even as you read this article. There are so many great free, useful, and fun apps, but you don’t always have the time to search for them. Problem solved – we did the searching so you don’t have to! Below is a list of apps that you will be itching to download, and that will transform your iPhone into a veritable hub of knowledge.

Onkyo Remote App for Android

Onkyo Remote App for Android

Many of you out there may have invested in a single universal remote control and programmed it to control all of your gadgets. But what if you could do away with all of them, even the universal remote, and control all of you gadgets using your phone?

How to insert a Google spreadsheet into a Google Docs document

Google Spreadsheets and Google Documents have become essential tools for those who regularly need to deal with documents and spreadsheets. But sometimes, you need to insert a table created in Google Spreadsheets into a Google Document. Google Docs doesn’t let you insert a Google Spreadsheets directly into a Google Document. This feature on the other hand is easily available in Microsoft Office. Don’t worry, here is a workaround for inserting a Google Spreadsheets into a Google Document.

Keep updated on the browser stats and popularity

Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari are the most popular browsers for internet usage for computers. A couple of years ago, Internet Explorer was reining the browser market with about 80% dominance. But now the usage of internet explorer has slumped and other browsers like Firefox, Chrome etc. have risen up. If you want to keep yourself updated on the internet browser usage statistics, you can rely on browser stats page from w3schools.

12 Tips To Become A Successful Blogger

12 Tips To Become A Successful Blogger

Blogs are mushrooming all over the internet like weeds in a garden. Some blogs have been outstanding successes, while some have earned mediocre success. Some others have died virtually unknown deaths. To which of these categories do you want your blog to belong? How do you ensure that you learn from your mistakes and get your blogging basics right? Here are ten tips, ten things that you can do to succeed at blogging.

Changing your Legacy Systems

Changing your Legacy Systems

As more and more software and hardware get pushed in the market, businesses would often have to upgrade the legacy systems that they use. However, simply changing may not be the best course of action to take.

4 interesting tips to help you generate ideas for your blog post

4 interesting tips to help you generate ideas for your blog post

Are you lacking ideas when it comes to creating your new blog post? Are you feeling as if you have used up all the possible topics with regards to your website topic? If you are in this situation then you will definitely benefit from looking over this write-up where I’ll be dealing with 4 different ways that may help you find some ideas for your next post.

5 Handy Tricks That You Can Use with Gmail

Gmail is by far one of the most widely used web based email heavily loaded with very beneficial features. Since its inception, Gmail has managed to sweep such a large chunk of clientele thus rising compete with the industry’s major players. If new to Gmail, you might need some information to help you maximize the benefits that Gmail offers. So, if interested read on.

Make a morphed animation from pictures

Make a morphed animation from pictures

You must have seen videos showing transitions between different moving faces. One famous example is the music video for the popular song Black or White by Michael Jackson. But now you too can create your animated biography with pictures from different phases in your life.

How to speed up booting time in Windows

Who wouldn’t want to use a faster PC. Sometimes, we get so annoyed with our computers when they take minutes after minutes to boot up. Wouldn’t you want your computer to boot faster without doing much? Here is a registry trick that can considerably lower the startup time of your computer.

Adobe Edge – Adobe’s new tool for HTML5 editing

Adobe Edge – Adobe’s new tool for HTML5 editing

HTML5 is getting so popular that experts are suggesting that Flash may become obsolete in the coming years. Adobe, the software giant who had acquired Macromedia, the original creators of Flash have launched a toolkit called Adobe Edge for professional web developers and designers that lets them create rich pages with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.

Unminify CSS to make them more legible

Unminify CSS to make them more legible

If you are a web designer, you must be using CSS minifying tools that remove the extra whitespaces and unnecessary line breaks in your CSS codes. But if you need to work on the same CSS file later on, you will find it very difficult to edit them. A legible and formatted version of the CSS file would be great for later edits. The CSS Minifier tool by MrColes may come in handy at such times.

Why You Should Back Up Your System Image NOW

Why You Should Back Up Your System Image NOW

Ever since I was a wee little child, I remember the pull-the-plug moments that every Windows operating system (OS) we ever had. At a certain point, the system slows down to a halt, perhaps has trouble starting up, or repetitively gives you that ominous blue screen of death.

Your Facebook Network around the world

Have you ever wondered how many friends you have living in each different country? You must have had friends scattered all across the globe but you cannot tell outright which friends reside where. But thanks to a very cool app by Western Union World that lets you quickly visualize your Facebook friends on a map.

Spending More Time on the Internet Compared to Your TV

Spending More Time on the Internet Compared to Your TV

A lot of things happen every year, and it is no doubt that the number of people making use of the internet every year keeps on increasing. The reality is that a lot of households spend countless hours in front of their TV and the average TV user watches the television for 5 hours. In fact, recent stats have shown that over 60% of households in the US watch their TV while at the same time using the internet.