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What is “Google Apps”?

What is “Google Apps”?

If you are unfamiliar with Google it would be assumed that you are from Mars. When I first learned of Google Apps I was, in short, confused. “I already have Gmail for my personal use, why would I need to pay for things?” I asked myself this question multiple times, but then, finally, the answer was explained to me.

Changes Facebook has brought about

Changes Facebook has brought about

Although primarily a social networking tool, Facebook has brought changed to all areas of life. Facebook has brought changes in sectors like business, recruiting, relationships and more.

Updating Facebook status via iPhone 5?

Updating Facebook status via iPhone 5?

You must have noticed that Facebook shows the medium of any update below it. For example, if you update your status on Facebook using a Windows Phone 7, you will see via “Facebook for Windows Phone” just below it. Same is the case for iPhone or Android devices. You must have heard rumors of iPhone 5’s imminent release around September. But how about fooling your friends with status updates that look as if they have been updated via iPhone 5?

Presentation Solutions: Resources For Putting Your Best Face Forward

Presentation Solutions: Resources For Putting Your Best Face Forward

It’s an unfortunate reality that most individuals on the job hunt don’t have the writing skills necessary to professionally present themselves. Besides going back to school, there are several resources that people can use that will help them brush up on the basics and help them put the best face forward.

Bing Experiments With Ads In Organic Search Results

Bing Experiments With Ads In Organic Search Results

Just one week after earnings statements revealed Microsoft earned a record $69.9 billion in 2010, reports emerged that company search engine Bing was experimenting with a new search model that would mix paid ads in with organic search results. The announcement came as a shock to search engine optimization professionals who work to link searchers with companies organically.

Facebook’s Video Chat: Not Really Too Awesome

Facebook’s Video Chat: Not Really Too Awesome

At a recent media event, Facebook unveiled its in-browser video chat solution for its social networking powerhouse. The online social media titan heralded this as an “awesome” feature, and backed up its claim by showing integration with Skype as well as a new design for the site’s existing Facebook Chat application.

How to Make the Best of Your Internet Connection

How to Make the Best of Your Internet Connection

Browsing the internet with a faster means of connection is the best way to experience the benefits of the internet world (World Wide Web). You can be able to access the internet if you don’t have faster means of accessing the internet. You need a faster internet access for your connection to work better.

How to Repair Slow Computer

How to Repair Slow Computer

A common complaint of people who call computer support hotlines is that their computers have become slow. They say that it is unresponsive and are not able to run their programs as fast as they used to. Some would even drive all the way to a Manchester IT Support shop just because of the frustrations that having a slow computer can have.

Imagining the e-book reader of the future.

Imagining the e-book reader of the future.

The E-book reader is quite possibly my favorite new tech gadget of the last few years; I believe these devices have the potential to help save millions of trees, and more over they are extremely convenient, allowing you to carry thousands of book in a little device that’s often smaller and lighter than a standard paperback novel.

Video embedding and link previews in Facebook comments

Video embedding and link previews in Facebook comments
We all are familiar with how one can tag a friend on a Facebook comment, i.e. by using the @ symbol and typing the name of the friend. But Facebook has recently introduced a new feature that automatically embeds flash videos from external link and/or show preview of the link shared in comments.

Is 4G the Future of the Mobile Broadband Internet?

Is 4G the Future of the Mobile Broadband Internet?

A lot of buzz has been going on about the 4G mobile broadband internet technology for a long period of time now and we all know that it is a robust technology with a great future. I’ve been asking myself lately if the 4G mobile internet technology is something to really bother about or if one should just ignore its existence and see it as another form of mobile internet service.

[How to] 9 Tips to Sell More Mobile Apps

So you’ve come out with a great mobile app, but for some reason there are not as many takers as you anticipated! Chances are you’ve not packaged it attractively enough. Whatever are your views, presentation matters. Therefore, based on our understanding of what works, here’s a ready reckoner of the leading traits of a successful landing page for your mobile app.

How to extract MP3 from Youtube videos

How to extract MP3 from Youtube videos

What if you just want the audio for the song of your favorite artist to play on your MP3 player? You might say that you’d download the video and then convert them to MP3 using MP3 converters. But there’s an even easier way to download MP3s from Youtube videos. You can extract MP3s from Youtube videos using a new tool by

Phenomenal Sony Playstation 4 Concept

Phenomenal Sony Playstation 4 Concept

As of late, whispered rumors that the potential release of Sony’s Playstation 4 could come next year are traveling through the video game world. Of course, Sony is refusing to answer questions and will undoubtedly save the announcement for a widely-covered press event: say 2012’s E3.

Help Your Business To Grow Using Social Media

Help Your Business To Grow Using Social Media

The importance of social media in the online marketing environment of today can hardly be overstated. Facebook alone currently accounts for a full one fourth of the clicks performed by Internet browsers in the United States, and this number is not showing any signs of slowing down.

Grammar Resources For Bloggers

Grammar Resources For Bloggers

Possibly the most important rules you need to consider when you’re running a blog are the use of grammar and syntax. Unfortunately, these are often things that many bloggers don’t take into account. We’ve been trained to write in short hand or come up with acronyms to get an idea across. Thoughtful expression has simply been a by standard of this. If you feel that your blog may be suffering from similar issues, there are many online resources at your disposal that you can employ to improve the standard and efficiency of your site.


Cancel out surrounding sound with Klipsch’s Mode Headphones

So you’ve gone out and spent all of your hard earned pennies on a new top of the range MP3 player able to hold more music than you will ever own in a life time. You’ve bought a brand new case for it to protect it from bumps and scraps and even invested in a fancy new plug in charger. But, did you buy a new pair of headphones?

The Power of Google Webmaster Tools

The Power of Google Webmaster Tools

According to Alexa Search Engine rankings, Google is currently the most used search engine on the Web. Further fleshing out its position at the top of the search engine pile, Google also offers a suite of powerful Webmaster Tools that help webmasters better optimize their site for Google results, and that also can provide powerful analytical data about website traffic.

Is SEO dead?

Is SEO dead?

SEO is dead for a number of reasons. First, it has been killed, as most things are, by people that abuse the system. Those claiming to be experts building thousands upon thousands of erroneous backlinks to sites that offer no value to the searcher hoping to make a quick buck have ruined it for the rest of us.