How to Install the XBLUE X-50
Do you own a small business? Do you have any remote workers? Then you might be interested in the XBLUE X-50. Supporting both VoIP lines and traditional lines, the X-50 is perfect for companies...
A blog on Tech Tips, Online Tools and Software, Blogging, Mobile World, Tech News and Social Media
Tips, Tricks and Hacks / Tools and Softwares
by admin · Published July 14, 2015 · Last modified February 23, 2025
Do you own a small business? Do you have any remote workers? Then you might be interested in the XBLUE X-50. Supporting both VoIP lines and traditional lines, the X-50 is perfect for companies...
Python is one of the best General purpose programming languages out there and is extensively used in web applications, scientific research and more. There are plenty of IDEs or Integrated Development Environments for Pythons...
With plethora of shared hosting services available to pick from for hosting your next website, it can a hard task to finally settle with one. Even after hours of reading hosting reviews and comparing...
Do you run a membership website using WordPress as your platform? Or do you maintain your users for your web application on WordPress because of its ease of use and other features provided out...
We use RSS feeds for many reasons, to read content from various websites in a digestible format, to pull data from websites to display in web applications and more. Almost all blogs provide a...
You most probably may not have noticed this Google Easter egg. Just search for Christmas on Google and voila!
Top earning actors and channels with the most subscribers or viewers are good for comparison, but when it comes to the top shows on YouTube and standard television, YouTube is winning the competition hand...
by euniceShiloh79 · Published July 25, 2013 · Last modified August 5, 2013
Apple has long been seen as one of the more expensive mobile phone manufacturers. However, this hasn’t deterred the millions of consumers who flock to buy their products, many of them as soon as...
Computers and Internet / Online Tools
by Nayab · Published July 16, 2013 · Last modified August 5, 2013
Flash cards simply make it a lot simple for a student or a child to learn information in a short span of time. The flash cards are highly useful for the entire subject areas....
Every person out there has a different opinion when it comes to cloud technology. Some of them think it is unnecessary risk that they are not willing to take, while others believe that this...
Computers and Internet / The Mobile World
by toddriddle · Published July 2, 2013 · Last modified August 5, 2013
Android primarily developed by Google is an OS based on Linux with a Java programming interface. The benefits of using Android is that besides providing a rich user interface library, it allows background processing...
If you can keep a better track of your food habits and your daily calorie intake, you can significantly lose more weight. And what better way to do so than doing it with your smartphone? There are hundreds of applications for Andorid and iPhone that help to keep tabs on your dietary habits and track your calorie intake. Here are some of the best weight loss and diet apps for iPhone that will help you lose weight faster and in a better way.
I was looking for info on the best plugins available on word press I couldn’t find anything better than my own list, maybe I am just a bit you know sort of prig (not...
In the technology driven era, having quad-cored processor powered Android handset is as good as bringing home Mistletoe in Christmas! The carnival of highly powered Smartphone with prolific features has touched the life at...
So you are ready to start your own website. You already know that buying a domain is important, but that’s not where the preparation ends. You also need to choose the best web hosting...
Gadgets / Photoshop / Tips, Tricks and Hacks
by mattrawlings · Published June 19, 2013 · Last modified August 5, 2013
Having spent a great deal of time and effort working on something, you want it to look as good as it possibly can when you press the print button and collect it from the...
If you’re wanting to purchase a new mobile phone but aren’t keen on getting an iPhone or one of the many Android handsets available then a Nokia Lumia might be the right choice. There...
With more than 300 new features it tempts us to look into it and see what they really are. As the famous quote by Dave Barry “Bill Gates is a very rich man today…...
If we go by the history, these current battles between the smartphones started with the introduction of iOS and Android in the 2007. As we also know that older technologies give the foundation to...
WordPress has been a revolutionary word in the world of website creation. There has been innumerous downloads of this publishing platform, since its launch in 2003. If you sit to count the approximate times...