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Remote Working with VPNs and VoIP

Remote Working with VPNs and VoIP

Remote working is becoming increasingly common. The staff that are allowed to do it love it, because it gives them more freedom and allows them to work in comfort, and companies love it because it saves them office space, and improves morale.

Foursquare 3.0 for Blackberry is out now

Foursquare 3.0, the latest version of the ever popular location based service is now available for Blackberry users as well. Foursquare 3.0 for Blackberry can be downloaded from Foursquare’s website.

Process Monitoring In Industry

Process Monitoring In Industry

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA systems are commonly used in high tech industries to gather information about processes and what is happening on a shop floor level.The information gathered from the systems is passed to process monitoring software, which identifies potential issues, faults, and productivity problems.

5 Tips for Successfully Utilizing LinkedIn

5 Tips for Successfully Utilizing LinkedIn

Think of LinkedIn as a business version of Facebook. This forum is a great way to connect with other people within your industry, create new job leads, and stay informed about developments within companies that fit your customer profile.

Streamline your set with iDJ live

Streamline your set with iDJ live

streamline your set with IDJ liveThink for a moment and spare a thought for the poor DJ’s working before the invention of digital music, having to carry around hundreds of CD’s or records with them to every gig. Oh how things have changed. Now days with an MP3 player you can carry around an entire music collection in your pocket or even carry an entire music collection around on your phone if you wish. Never wanting to miss a trick companies have come up with countless gadgets and gizmos to take advantage of MP3 players. The latest company to do so is Numark with iDJ live.

Easiest way to stop all animations on a page

Easiest way to stop all animations on a page

There are webpages that automatically play animations or videos even before the page has loaded fully. This is annoying to most of us, internet users. Stop Animations can be a boon for Google Chrome users, if they want to get rid of the annoying animations on websites.

Top Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Top Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Your conversion rate is a measurement of the efficiency of your website that you can use to compare present versions of your site with future revisions. While optimization can be a never-ending process, following a few simple tips can have a very noticeable improvement on your conversion rate. The tips that follow are a few of the simplest things you can do to your site to create a big boost in your conversion rate.

An all in one Chrome extension for Google+

An all in one Chrome extension for Google+

With the introduction of Google+ in the social networking scenario, a lot of browser addons and extensions have already been developed. Extensions for having Google+ notifications, quick view etc. are already available for Google Chrome. GTools+ is an extension that may be the perfect tool for Google Plus you’re looking for.

Personal Finance Technology that Can Save Your Bank Account

Personal Finance Technology that Can Save Your Bank Account

Is there anything more thrilling than planning a budget and balancing your checkbook? Yes, a lot of things, actually. Who even carries around a checkbook anymore? The unfortunate truth is, however, that managing your banks accounts may be boring, but still imperative if you want to live a financially stress-free life. After all, wouldn’t you be a much happier person if you never paid another overdraft fee?

Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community

Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an evolutionary attempt of small businesses (SMBs) to connect with their communities through online search. According to Search Engine Watch’s report by Local Offer Network (2011), companies invested in local SEO are increasing sales, improving visibility and strengthen their brands by focusing their efforts on optimizing their websites for local searches.

Bookmarklet to see how a page would look like without a font

Testing fonts and their combinations on websites is a real hassle for designers. Its not just about aesthetics of a website; web designers also have to carefully select the fonts so that they are readily available in user’s computers. There are various tools for testing font combinations but how about using a simple bookmarklet for it?

Guitar string Oscillations captured with an iPhone4

Guitar string Oscillations captured with an iPhone4

iPhone4 has amazing camera and you can shoot 720p video @30fps with it. A Youtube user captured the vibrations of his guitar strings using his iPhone4’s video camera. He placed his iPhone4 in the camera mode inside his guitar and played a tune. Amazingly enough, he could capture the oscillations of the strings very impressively.

5 Tips for Creating Killer Landing Pages

5 Tips for Creating Killer Landing Pages

Creating killer landing pages can pay you back in big dividends. Your landing page, or the page users are directed to after they make that first click in the search results, should be captivating and offer a clear and concise actionable message. This may sound easy in theory, but landing page design is slightly more complex than this simple goal. Here are five tips to take to heart when building your landing pages.

Quickly know the fonts used on a webpage

With the onset of web fonts, many web designers have started using an assortment of beautiful fonts on websites. Besides the popular and the most widely used fonts, it is really difficult to correctly tell the name of a font. But with Whatfont bookmarklet, you can easily find out what fonts a website is using, including the font size, font weight etc.

Automating your Email with Tout

Automating your Email with Tout

One thing anyone who earns their living online or for anyone who spends a lot of time online will learn is that there are always some things you would like to automate. Automation is the key to creating processes which reduce errors and improve productivity.

How to get the Feed of any Google+ user

How to get the Feed of any Google+ user

RSS readers still are loved by many even though a lot have ditched them for Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools. It would be really handy if you could subscribe to the updates from a Google Plus user using your RSS feed reader. If you want to subscribe to Google+ RSS feeds of a user, you can do it using this tool.

SEO for e-commerce product pages

SEO for e-commerce product pages

Search engine optimisation for e-commerce sites presents a number of challenges and opportunities that need to be overcome in order to maximise conversion and rankings alike. In this post we shall look at the product page only, and how to make the most of this vital element to any e-commerce business.

Quick view the links shared in Google+ through Chrome

Quick view the links shared in Google+ through Chrome

Twitter after its new redesign lets you see shared videos or photos from Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Yfrog, Twitpic etc. without leaving the site. Wouldn’t you want a similar functionality on Google+ where you can view a site shared on Google+ without having to leave the page? Quick View for Google Plus is a Chrome Extension that lets you view content shared on Google+ without leaving the website.