A wiki on Gamification
Gamification adds a new scope to applications with a game-like approach to things that typically aren’t considered a game. Gamification wiki aims at cataloging all sorts of information on Gamification.
A blog on Tech Tips, Online Tools and Software, Blogging, Mobile World, Tech News and Social Media
Gamification adds a new scope to applications with a game-like approach to things that typically aren’t considered a game. Gamification wiki aims at cataloging all sorts of information on Gamification.
Children are the best asset of parents. Parents cherish and try never to forget even the little things of their offspring’s childhood. When even the subtlest things from the childhood of your children are remembered, they twist up your lips into a smile. But it is rather difficult to store all such moments properly. MomentGarden is a service that was created with a purpose of helping parents collect and share and save the precious moments of their children with the people that matter most.
With modern data storage technologies, thousands of books could be contained within a mere computer chip. Today, E-readers are growing in popularity – produced and sold by companies such as Sony, Apple, and Amazon. Here are 10 interesting facts about electronic paper you maybe never knew before.
These days, the online presence of websites on social communities tremendously affect the traffic and visibility of a website. So, how do you think would you calculate the rank of a certain website on social sites like Twitter? Twitter Rank is a tool that helps determine the rank of a website and even compare it with another.
If you own a blog, you must have burned a feed and embedded a feedburner feed count chicklet on your blog showing the number of subscribers currently. The email subscribers to your feed although won’t know the number of current subscribers unless they visit your blog. If you want to show the subscriber count or the Feedcounter to your email subscribers, here’s the trick.
Google’s Doodles are famous on the Internet and most of the times their doodles are a tribute to some great personalities. Google’s Facebook page has a Google Doodle Tab introduced that shows some of the most popular Google Doodles.
Its easy to setup a blogger blog and start writing right away. But after a certain time, users prefer switching to Wordpress because of better customization options in Wordpress. Blogger to Wordpress migration is easy as there is a dedicated Wordpress plugin for the migration purpose. Redirecting Blogger blog to Wordpress can be done with meta refresh. But that sort of redirection isn’t much search engine friendly.
Although Internet explorer doesn’t have much plugins as does Mozilla Firefox, it has some very handy features by default. Like you can view any Office file – Word, Excel or Powepoint file right into the browser and you can even edit it there. This is a useful feature but some people may not like it. But you can prevent Internet Explorer from Opening Office documents in the browser itself.
Despite being the most popular operating system in the world, there are a lot of issues with Windows. Things keep getting screwed up from time to time like. Well you can rely on Microsoft Help to get quick solutions of your problems via Twitter.
Kinect, the “controller-free gaming and entertainment experience” as Microsoft calls it lets users control and interact with their XBox 360 without using a game controller pad. Oliver Kryeros has used two Kinects simultaneously do capture different angles of the same object at any instant.
Google Translator is by far the most widely used translation engine on the internet. Google Translator has added a lot of features since its release making it all the more desirable and user friendly. Google Translator also allows you to listen to your translation as speech. Here’s a trick that shows how you can have a beat box from Google Translator using its Text-to-Speech feature.
Since HTML5 came into play, people have tried out lots of interesting stuff using HTML5. HTML5 adds a flash like interactivity to a webpage and there are a great many things made with HTML5 already such as games and other fun applications. Farbzauber is a very cool HTML5 based application that you can use to turn your image into a coloring sketch or black and white picture.
When the file size that we need to attach in an email exceeds the attachment limit, we look for online file sharing services using which we can upload and share files on the fly. There are sites like box.it, rapidshare that allow quick uploading and sharing of files. GETT is another such utility that lets you share even large files and share them in an instant.
On bit.ly Pro account, users get custom short links, pro dashaboard and a easy setup. Pro users can shortens the links on bit.ly with the custom domain. But if you shorten URLs of websites that are on a pro account, you also get the URL shortened on custom domain.
There are people you need to deal with via email without having any information about them. Well wouldn’t you want to have rough information about the person you’re exchanging emails with? Or even if you are exchanging emails with a friend, Rapportive would prove fruitful as you can instantly see what your friend is sharing on his social networks. Rapportive is a Gmail plugin that takes a step towards letting you see the background info on a person sending you emails.
Bookmarklets make your life easier while browsing the internet. They allow you to do things with just a click. Be it URL shortening, sharing pages on social bookmarking sites or fixing font sizes, bookmarklets really speed up the task. Here are some very useful javascript bookmarklets for everyday browsing.
If you use Task Management programs like Remember the milk, you tend to skip some short tasks. For example, your pen holder worn out pens, mixed up with fresh pens. But you don’t feel like clearing up the useless pens even if that takes less than 5 minutes of your time. If you have a habit of using Remember the milk for task and time management, this trick will help you have a quick glance at the minor tasks due for the day.
Certain dynamic websites that are paranoid about security log you off automatically if you haven’t been active on the site for sometime. If you need to use such sites very often you will surely...
There are times when one needs to share more than one URL with his friends and in such cases, he needs to add all those URLs as well. In microblogging sites like Twitter where the character limit is not more than 140 characters, sharing multiple URLs with individual links takes up the space that you could otherwise use for writing about the link. You can shorten all of the URLs in a go and share them with a single short URL. Here are some online tools that let you shorten and share multiple links with a single Short URL.
What plugin do you use for caching your Wordpress blog. Well the most widely used cache plugin is the WP Super Cache. But with advanced options, the W3 total cache is becoming immensely popular among bloggers. If you are a blogger with a blog setup in wordpress, you should give W3 Total cache a try and I’m sure you’ll love it. But if you have already been using W3 Total cache plugin, you must have noticed that the “www” form of your blog URL doesn’t redirect to the “non-www” form or vice versa.