You want your children to have the best online experiences available, but you realize that you must take certain security measures to keep your family safe from online predators. You want to filter the unsavory or unwarranted content as well as monitor their usage. Fortunately, there are applications and services which will monitor your child’s activity and report back to you. Here is a list of some commercial programs designed to keep your children safe.
If you are using Gmail, you can add a variety of useful plugins from Gmail labs and choose a Gmail theme from an extended gallery. You can even customize a theme by adding colors and images. But the icons and text remain the same even with different themes. Pimp My Gmail is a script for Greasemonkey that will really pimp up your Gmail by letting you have beautiful icons and an altogether cool interface.
Facebook’s social plugins, “Share” and “Like” are immensely popular on the web. All sorts of websites and blogs have incorporated these social plugins to make sharing easy. But some still lack them and sometimes you would be looking for one when you won’t be able to find any in the end. For Firefox users, a plugin has been made recently available that enables quick sharing over Facebook, Twitter and Gmail with just a few clicks. Firefox Addon F1 that has just been released officially by Mozilla labs is just the right one for social sharers.
Have you ever wanted to have a collage of your Twitter friends? If you have thousands of friends, having a collage with a picture of all of them wouldn’t be possible practically. But here are a few tools that let you create a collage of you twitter friends within seconds.
It’s already a fact that APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the primary way to distribute and access services. Over the past few years, many services have begun offering an API as part of their core product, rather than a just offering a website or an app. But there are many who don’t offer API. Mashape plans to embrace the trend of API offering by making any cloud service or application programmable while providing access to thousands of developers who can use it.
Skype is rapidly growing with around 560 million registered users. Skype is best known for voice and video calls over the web and many people prefer to use it as a standalone messenger as well. Skype online status is a Wordpress plugin that enables you to add a fully customized Skype button to your blog. Well its not just a plain static button; it can display your online status on Skype as well.
The overall appearance of a site plays a great role in luring a reader into spending more time on the site. One of the components is the font. The font face and size differ variously and some sites that use really tiny, barely legible fonts distract you a lot. Readability can be a good solution in such cases.
Now Microsoft is working on something more powerful than the Microsoft Surface, the LightSpace. LightSpace is a combination of elements of surface computing and augmented reality research to create a space whose surfaces would be to interactive to hand gestures and motions.
How often do you travel places? If you are a traveler you must have had experiences of looking for hotels of your type. There are a lot of sites on the web where you can look for hotels appropriate for yourself. But Funnelscope is one of its kind as it lets you search hotels based on the data from social networks.
Recently, Facebook added a feature that lets you download all your profile information including your photos and updates as well. But Facebook failed to give users the option for extracting the email addresses of...
Most of the time, the solution to speeding up the printing process is to make some changes in the way that you print documents in order to reduce the processing and printing times. If you make the following five changes to how you print, you will find that not only does your printer work faster, but your operating costs will be reduced as well.
Most of the users on Facebook have no idea about FBML. If you want to create custom Facebook tabs without having to learn and write a single line of FBML code, Fabooco can be a wonderful choice.
If you are a blogger, you can share your blog posts over a group, the members of which would be interested in your posts. How about automating this task; i.e. sharing any new post on your blog automatically to a group? With Networked Blogs application for Facebook, you can now automatically publish feed from your site to a Facebook group.
The friends list on your Facebook profile or the “Edit Friends” page lets you browse through your friend list. Facebook has enhanced the Friend search feature by letting you search using various filters like city, hometown, school, workplace, interest etc.
Zoho or Google Docs are popular not only because of their online editing and storage features but also because of document sharing and collaborative editing functionalities. But at times, you also need to create documents on computer using Word or some other software like OpenOffice. Direct uploading of such documents will hamper document editing capabilities in Google Docs or Zoho. Here are a few things that should be kept in mind.
If you love using Firefox, you must also be using a handful of Firefox Addons for better browsing experience. But do you keep a track of the plugins that are installed and the plugins that are redundant? With a simple Firefox command, you can create a list of the Firefox Addons that are installed and active.
You must have noticed smaller font size in News Feeds recently on Facebook. Facebook has been testing this smaller font size in the News Feed for a couple of days now; to be precise, since 3rd November. The font for status updates is the same size as that for comments. The larger font size was better and less strenuous to read. You can fix the Facebook font size for updates in News Feed by using browser bookmarklets or scripts.
Customizing your Facebook pages by adding useful content can keep the visitors to your page indulged for a longer time. 520grid can help in creating custom FBML pages for instance the Welcome tabs seen on many Facebook pages.
As you type any query on Google, a list of the suggestions for the term shows up. This makes it easier and faster to search for anything. Besides you also get an idea of the related search queries. Google suggest has been integrated with Google Chrome and Firefox as well. Besides Google Suggest, Yahoo and Bing also show you the suggestions by simply populating the related and most searched terms. But if you want something more, here are some handy tools.
Most entrepreneurs and sales people are busy fighting fires and finding new clients and many of them don’t have the habit of writing. They just don’t have time to sit down and handwrite thank you notes. Enter ThankThank Notes.