This domain is not so old but the blog is a bit older. I moved this blog from the old domain to in February (23rd or 24th but not sure). I had also written about my moving this blog from old domain to new domain. I redirected it seamlessly but began experiencing problems shortly after redirecting it to new domain. I began suffering the slump in the Search Engine Traffic from Google, Yahoo etc. In the beginning, I didn’t know how Google treated 301 redirection but eventually seemed to understand that and recovered the traffic from Google in certain time after redirection.
Everytime you are out for a few minutes, your monitor will start getting filled in with attractively mottled screensavers. Some people are so much obsessed with screensavers that they download loads of attractive screensavers from the web. Great video screensavers for Windows XP are also available for download. But why download them when you can create one of your own, with custom videos? You can create a video screensaver in various ways.
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers used and loved by many people. Firefox has many options for customizations and plenty of plugins available for all kind of users. The toolbar and the status bar can also be customized. There are buttons the addition of which, can be a boon.
I assume that your PC remains on most of the time. Sometimes you stick around your PC while sometimes you are out for a lunch or something else. If you want your computer to do things specified by you even when you are away, like shut down the computer, hibernate etc, Marxio Timer will help you. Give it a try.
You watch photos of your favorite celebrities on the internet and skim through the photos clicking the “Next” and “Previous” buttons in the photo galleries. You sometimes wish to save them on your hard...
Many of us have started using the facial recognition technology to search people offered by iPhoto or Google Picasa. But how would it be to look for your friends’ photos using the Facial Recognition technology? Sounds cool? is bringing this technology to facebook via a new application called the Photo Finder. Not only you’ll be able to search your friends’ photos in your network but also look for them in other photos where you’ll get suggestions for tagging them.
Some of us have practices of saving website screenshots for comparisons or references. What we do generally is Press the Print Screen button on the keyboard, paste it on image editing applications like Photoshop and then save it. Well this will be a kind of fun if you need to screenshot just a few webpages. But what if you want to have screenshots of a whole bunch of sites for some reason? It will take a lot of time. But don’t you worry, WebShots will let you take screenshots of websites with much ease and all you’ll have to do is enter the webpage URL that you want to capture. You can download WebShots here.
The latest version of Microsoft Office Excel till date i.e. Excel 2007. The extension of files created or edited with Excel 2007 are saved as .xlsx files. This kind of file is not supported by the earlier versions of Microsoft Excel i.e. by Excel 2003. This kind of file was also not supported by Google docs. But recently they have added a feature letting you to upload Excel 2007 files.
There are times when you are in a hurry while writing mails and sometimes write things that could mean something else, misspell a spelling or something like that. And your practiced hand clicks the send button right away when you realize that something wasn’t right in the email. What will you do? Send another email correcting the mistakes, or regret for the next couple of minutes for having hurried? How would it be if there was some option for cancelling a message being sent? Well Gmail’s new feature lets you undo a message that is being sent.
In the previous post, I had discussed about hosting the XML file in Google Groups containing the analytics data from Google Analytics for Popular Posts widget. Now we’ll need to use Yahoo Pipes and...
You want to show your readers the posts that are most popular on your blog. If you use Wordpress for maintaining your blog, you can use or must have already used plugins that show off the most popular posts. Placing such widgets help you get more traffic to your quality posts. But the wordpress plugins basically display the popular posts based on the number of comments, i.e. the more comments a blog gets, the higher is its rank on the popular posts widget. The posts that get the highest number of comments are not necessarily the posts that get the maximum number of traffic. So, what if you want to put a popular posts widget that shows the posts getting maximum number of traffic?
The easiest shortcut for shutting down a Windows system is pressing the power button. But pressing it will directly shut down the computer without asking you to either turn it off, log off or Restart. Well you would ask me “Hey, why would you need that?” But suppose you press it by mistake while pressing the Print screen button? If that is the case, then you might put yourself into big trouble. You can open the shutdown menu instead when the Power button is pressed. Here’s how you do it.
Google has taken a huge step ahead on targeting the Google Adsense ads. Google has announced that now onwards, the ads will not just be relevant to the content of the website on which it is present but also related to the type of content that people love to see on the internet. Google has launched this “interest-based” advertising as a beta test on its partner sites and Youtube.
One of the most popular alternatives for Adobe Reader, the Foxit reader has announced security patches for some of its vulnerabilities that were discovered some time ago. Many of us know that Foxit Reader is a very easy to use tool for reading PDF documents and one need not bear the hassle of installing the software, it can be used by just copy-pasting.
You must have seen those flash ads on some sites with an avatar speaking the words from the advertiser and responding to the mouse movements as you move it along. Well such kind of ads seem quite impressive and eye-catching. Even if you aren’t an advertiser, you may want to make such talking lively avatars to give some cool message to your blog readers or send to your friends. You can create such avatars in a snap without using Flash. Voki helps you do it.
It looks like Twitter or most likely some third party Twitter services hadve been hacked. The message “hey! 23/Female. “Come chat with me on my webcam thingy here” was found in the update stream of many people. The messages seem to be from some adult webcam site. When I searched for the term on Twitter search, I found a number of tweets with the same thing.
If you work in an office where you need to type a lot, you might get annoyed sometimes if you need to type the recurring phrases again and again. Or if you are a programmer, you get tired of having to type the basic code snippets that occur most frequently which you think are faster to type rather than look out for them and then copy/paste. So, is there an end to it? Why not? With Texter, you can save your numerous keystrokes replacing abbreviations with the phrases you use most frequently.
Attaching files to your email in Gmail sometimes may have irritated you quite a lot as you would have to open up the dialogue box every time you upload a single file. But Gmail now lets you select multiple files to attach to your email in a single take.
For free users, the fun of enjoying videos in Flickr was not possible. But now Flickr has added a feature letting the free members to upload videos as well. The HD videos uploaded by the pro users on Flickr can now be viewed by everyone.
Seems like Mcirosoft is on big plans to get more sturdy,intuitive and beautiful. A video released by Microsoft’s, Business division shows some groundbreaking technology that many of us may not even have thought of.