Print Blank Sheets of Music for Free
Do you read Musical Notations? If yes then you also need to write some for yourself. BlankSheetMusic lets you create your own music sheets and then print them for free.
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Do you read Musical Notations? If yes then you also need to write some for yourself. BlankSheetMusic lets you create your own music sheets and then print them for free.
Twitter, the microblogging platform which has now become a major appendage of the web is used by us everyday. You use Twitter for posting your updates and short messages for your followers to read. But have you ever tried out some of the interesting text commands in Twitter that make your work easier than ever?
A web based file manager is available for you. IT Hit has launched a Beta version of their web based file manager. Wouldn’t it be easy to edit and upload Microsoft Office files like Word, Power Point or Excel on the fly? You will also be given a temporary folder for testing.
The “Find and Replace” function in Google Docs works just as well as in Microsoft Word. If you wish to replace the name “Peter”, appearing frequently in any document with “Tom”, you can do it quickly with the “Find and Replace” command. You must be an expert in using “Find and Replace”, if you need to modify general replacement of words. But looking for complex characters won’t be easy as searching for plain texts.
Do you find problems keeping track of people who follow you on Twitter? Or you are confused about following back people who are following you? A recently launched Twitter application Tweepler helps you decide whether to follow a person or not.
You might have seen GIF animations made from screencasts in many blogs. These help visitors understand the explained tricks easily. Well a video can also be embedded for the same purpose but using a video for very short videos would not look quite impressive. If you want to embed screencasts in GIFs, here is how you do it.
You use a lot of web applications everyday to satiate your digital thirst. But keeping a track of the latest updates happening on them might require your deep concern. Don’t worry, Unwrapp will make it snappy for you.
If you want to share your presentation but don’t want to bear the hassle of uploading it on Youtube and then embedding on your site, you can use Google Spreadsheets to create presentation and then embed it on your blog or website.
Google Profiles has added a new feature called contact info where you can add details for your friends to see it. Actually the information that you add is not totally public and you can control the people who see it.
If you belong English speaking community and you aren’t familiar with other languages, you’d probably post your tweets in English . But if you want to post them in other languages that you don’t understand, use Twitrans for translating your tweets.
Viewing a site normally doesn’t provide you the information on its hosting provider. But if you really need to know the Host of a certain website, whoishostingthis will be of a help.
If you have hundreds of friends added to your yahoo or other messenger, you sometimes feel irritated at the bombarding messages every second from them. And then you think of appearing invisible to everyone and then talk secretly with some of your very near ones. Do you wish to know who is fooling you around by appearing offline?
You must have watched video tutorials on Photoshop or any other software. You learn very quick and easy from those videos showing the on-screen activities of your mouse and computer. Have you wondered how that’s done, i.e. how do they record on-screen videos?
Feed Readers have brought a lot of ease to our lives letting us read our favorite topics on the internet without having to browse for them all along. A lot of Feed Readers are available, some as desktop application and some other online. If you think of switching from one to the other it is very easy.
Microsoft’s Surface Computing Technology might have blow your heads off. Well PQLabs has come up with its surface computing device which it calls it the iTable. And it is just as smart and stunning as Microsoft’s surface.
Many times you need to enter two different values into a cell sometimes both text and numbers. By default Google Spreadsheets aligns the numeric entry to the right and text entry to the left. But Spreadsheets will discard the numeric value and consider the whole input as a text value.
Storyblender a site that lets you make funny video clips has launched a new feature called Make Me Talk. With this feature you can make your photos talk, i.e. you will be able to add fake lips to your photo and then add voice for the same.
Google has come up with new logo, precisely the favicon. Many of you must have noticed that the blue “g” sign that used to appear on your address bar (which is the Google’s favicon) just before the URL of Google, has been replaced by a motley favicon with a white “g” in the foreground and the colors blue green yellow and red as the background. Most of the Google services now have the same favicon.
You can disguise your Picasa Identity if you do not want others to know your real Google ID. Your Google username is generally shown in your Picasa Web Album address. Like if your Gmail ID is something like then your Picasa Web Albums Address will look like this:
The One Laptop Per Child project announced that it is cutting its workforce by 50%. It has also said that salaries for the remaining staff have been reduced. For the upcoming changes in the coming year, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the group made an announcement in the company’s blog.