Patternify – A cool online pattern Generator
Some web designers are very fond of using patterns on websites. Photoshop makes generating patterns a snap but requires some skills nonetheless. Patternify will keep you shy of Photoshop for generating simple pattern for online use. With Patternify, you can create patterns for using on web and download them as PNGs or as base64 CSS files.
Bear in mind that Patternify isn’t for those who want too much flexibility and need to generate complex patterns. What Patternify actually does is that it allows you to fill a set of 100 pixels with colors of your choice. You can also set the opacity value for any color you pick. There are some basic tools for playing around with the patterns like the pencil tool, eraser tool and an eyedropper tool.
You’ll also find a couple of ready -made patterns for downloading. At the bottom, you’ll find three tabs namely Old School, Color and Misc. Old Schools has some basic patterns to select from, the color tabs has a few colored patterns and the Misc houses some shapes. You can also create a pattern from scratch and fill it with colors of varying opacity. Once done, you can download your patterns as PNGs or get the Base64 CSS code for it.
Patternify also lets you share your pattern online. For each pattern you create, unique URL is generated that you can share with your friends on the fly. Patternify can save your time if you want to generate nifty patterns quickly and easily for using on websites.