Phenomenal Sony Playstation 4 Concept
As of late, whispered rumors that the potential release of Sony’s Playstation 4 could come next year are traveling through the video game world. Of course, Sony is refusing to answer questions and will undoubtedly save the announcement for a widely-covered press event: say 2012’s E3.
However, the lack of definite details isn’t keeping videogame connoisseurs from imagining and actually conceptualizing their ideal PS4. Joseph Dumary designed a console that surprisingly makes a logical progression and evolution in the physical look of the Playstation.
His PS4 is very thin and seems to take highly after the slim PS2 redesign. If Dumary had his way, the console would be offered in both black and white models.
What’s more, Dumary actually took his design a step further to think about materials and the technical specifications of the next generation videogame system. His PS4 is made out of 60% recycled materials and uses much less energy than current generation systems. Additionally, the PS4 will come with a new feature that allows players to turn on their console and immediately start playing where they left off (similar to the instant-boot feature of Apple’s MacBook Air).
A redesigned controller will also be included and comes with a small touchscreen to allow access to certain options on the PS4. The ability to play the next incarnation of Blu Ray technology, USB 3.0, full 3D gaming in 4K2K resolution (four times better than 1080p), a 1.5 terabyte hard drive, and wireless connection via DPConnect-Advanced to up to six TVs are all additional and standard features.
Dumary’s design sounds phenomenal, albeit a bit out of reach. However, this makes me very interested in seeing what Sony has up its sleeve. My guess is they’re already taking notes from Mr. Dumary’s design.
What do you guys think of the design of this PS4? What other features or design changes would you like to see?