Rebrand & Reinvigorate Your Blog By Keeping Your Template on Trend
Most consumers and viewers will make a snap decision about your blog content and quality within seconds of loading the page. An out-dated or boring template will discourage individuals from clicking through to new links, exploring the site, using your services or buying your products. If you have a blog and would like to increase traffic and retain readers then it is vital to reinvigorate your blog template. You want it to look at once professional and trendy in order to encourage continued reading and sharing on social media sites. Although blog content is very important, how you present that content can significantly impact views. Here are some ways to update your blog template to be more trendy:
Bold and Recognizable Header: Perhaps the most important part of any blog is creating a recognizable header at the top of the page. This header might be the first thing that the reader sees and it is important that in a single glance you can tell what kind of blog it is, what the name of the blog is and what to expect from the page. If you have a logo or an iconic image that sums up your brand incorporate it into the header somehow. If you have a more generic blog title include a brief description in one sentence that summarizes what the blog is about in a succinct and interesting way.
Unique Background: Most modern blog templates will have the header and text occupying the centre of the page with two thin strips of colour or patterns on both the left and right side of the blog. This is an idea that will look familiar to internet users but still provide you with an opportunity to be unique. The sidebars of the blog template can be a fun colour or even a collage of photos. Pick something that expresses your personality or stick with a more contemporary, neutral design if the blog is more professional that trendy.
Use of Colour: Even the most professional blogs should use colour in a bold way to attract attention. It is fine to use an array of colours if you enjoy the look but alternatively a few keys punches of colour will do the trick. A grey background with red sidebars and a red and black header will look upbeat and modern without looking juvenile or low budget.
Subscription Opportunities: Be sure to offer something on your blog that allows visitors to subscribe to the site. This might be through a Google Reader or through an RSS Feed. Another option is to have email updates where viewers will get an email every time there is a new post.
Social Media Links: To keep your template looking really modern and attract a younger, more internet savvy crowd a great idea is to have buttons or links to your social media sites right on the page. This can be for Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn or even Twitter.
By using these tips it will be easier than ever to upgrade your blog template and create a modern and trendy look for your blog.