See the notable figures who joined Twitter in 2010
Hundreds of thousands of users are joining Twitter everyday. The number of registered users on Twitter has crossed the 100 million mark. Many celebrities and media icons have also taken interest in Twitter and are signing up for an account. Twitter has created a graphical tree that houses some of the notable personages/celebrities who started using Twitter in 2010.
“TWITTER 2010: THE YEAR IN REVIEW” goes the title of this page. In 2010, many notable figures like Bill Gates, Russel Crowe, Hilary Duff, Adrien Grenier, The president of Russia etc. joined Twitter. Many of these already verified Twitter accounts. This handpicked collection of some of the popular figures who signed up for Twitter in the year 2010 misses many other such figures and Twitter has encouraged twitterers to quote their favorite Twitter account registered this year using the hashtag #Hindsight2010.
This graphical tree of popular Twitter users who joined in 2010 also shows their first tweets upon hovering over their thumbnails. The tree is divided into sections of months during which these users signed up.