Category: SEO

Significant Advantages of Hiring an SEO Company

Significant Advantages of Hiring an SEO Company

Many entrepreneurs find the acronym SEO to be unsettling. You’re aware of the need, but why and, more importantly, how should you go about it? SEO firms provide this purpose. In most cases, a...

The Value of Working with an E-Commerce SEO Agency

The Value of Working with an E-Commerce SEO Agency

You can’t risk your company’s future on the results of unproven experiments or educated speculation. You may be familiar with SEO in theory after reading a number of articles and blogs on the subject,...

Is Co-Citation the Future?

Is Co-Citation the Future?

Last week,SEOMoz’sRand Fishkin had an interesting article/video about how anchor text was being slowly phased out by Google in favor of co-citation. The idea was that as Google’s algorithms became more advanced the importance of anchor text would be slowly dialed down and associative citations from high-authority sites (or a lot from lower authority sites) would replace it. The post does raise quite a few questions, the most obvious being Is exact match anchor text hurting my SEO efforts? And Is co-citation the future?

Why you must use Proofreading services to boost SEO

Why you must use Proofreading services to boost SEO

Today’s lives are characterized by so many activities such that people complain of lack of enough time to do what’s important. With the ever contracting time, the smaller, often-considered-less-important jobs like editing and proofreading are often neglected or done haphazardly, leaving a lot to be desired. If the work is written, it could mean that the writers have no time to proof; they just do it and pass along to the next desk which should clearly, not be the case.

Master Guide to Dealing with Newest Penguin Update and Staying Clear of Trouble

Master Guide to Dealing with Newest Penguin Update and Staying Clear of Trouble

Has your website taken a hit with the latest Penguin update, and you’re relentlessly trying to negate its impact by building some quality links? Well, then relax and take a deep breath before you act any further; the fact that your website was hit by latest Penguin update goes to show that the quality of back-links that you’ve built over the past few months (or perhaps weeks) hasn’t been really impressive (at least in the eyes of Google).

Tools and Tactics to drive traffic to your website

Tools and Tactics to drive traffic to your website

Driving traffic to your website is the goal of any social media campaign. Let’s take a look at some of the most widely used tools and tactics to improve both the quality and quantity of visitors to your website.

SEO Blog Sites and More

SEO Blog Sites and More

Everyone today has a medium through which they express themselves. These mediums may include music, writing and so on. When it comes to writing though, gone are the days when people expressed themselves privately in secret diaries. Writing today has reached a more public platform – blogging. With blogging, people can reach out to a wider audience and express their ideas and experiences. Some people also specialise their blogs to cater to a specific group of readers. We have movie review blogs, food blogs, and technical advice blogs and so on. Whatever topic the blog might be about, it is important to make sure that the content reaches out to the audience. If this is not done, then however good the content might be, it’ll all get wasted.

Web Hosting plays an important role in SEO

Web Hosting plays an important role in SEO

As information technology has extended its ways to the people, it has helped to explore and create necessary tools to communicate and integrate information. The accessibility has been a lot easier since people deserve to gather data and information that is worthwhile and timely.

How to Make a website search engine friendly

How to Make a website search engine friendly

Building a website is just a foundation stone to your online business as there are numerous things to do to improve the visibility of your website or draw visitors. To reach the targeted audience, the website should be search engine friendly that will enhance the search results. So, here are a few guidelines to make your website search engine-friendly site.

Web 2.0 and Digital Marketing Domain

Web 2.0 and Digital Marketing Domain

Digital marketing in the present era relies on web 2.0 sites and CMSs. Marketing through Web 2.0 sites internet marketing on the basis of social web. Here, social web implies typical websites, which foster communication and sharing between users. Blogs, affiliate channels, forums, wikis, web portals, social networks, bookmarking sites and user reviews are some of the examples of Web 2.0 sites.

Top Firefox Add-Ons for SEO

Top Firefox Add-Ons for SEO

If you have a few different websites, trying to keep track of all the different statistics and SEO projects can be time consuming and confusing if you aren’t really organized. Fortunately, different web browsers have various SEO plugins and extensions which can help to keep track of all your SEO endeavours, and Firefox is no exception.

A Guide to SEO and why you need it

A Guide to SEO and why you need it

For anyone who has ever tried to set up or manage a website, whether through work or for personal reasons, you will have experienced the joy of Google rankings. The worldwide web is continually evolving, and as such websites move up and down the Google listings according to the search terms that are entered. This is a problem if your website continually falls to the second or third page of results for your preferred search terms.

Good Practice SEO Rules for the Modern Online Site

Good Practice SEO Rules for the Modern Online Site

One of the things that people need to realize about SEO is that it is not static. SEO is ever evolving and changing, and that means that in order to stay on top of the game, website owners need to know, understand, and adapt to all of those changes. In the web world, survival of the fittest is just as much a rule as it is in the wild. Keeping up with those changes isn’t always easy though. Becoming complacent is easy, but it can be dangerous.

How Your Web Server Can Influence Your Google Rankings

How Your Web Server Can Influence Your Google Rankings

Every blogger and webmaster wants their site to rank for highly searched keywords, but the process of search engine optimization (SEO) is often fraught with obstacles and challenges. Ensuring that your site ranks in Google’s search engine depends on a combination of on-site SEO and off-site SEO. While off-site SEO has to do with connecting with other webmasters and bloggers, on-site SEO is a much more straightforward process – if you know what you’re doing. One of the lesser known factors that can influence search engine rankings is your choice of webhost. There are a couple primary ways your web server can affect your search engine rankings – website loading speed and server downtime.

Why Your Guest Posts are not accepted by Top Blogs? 5 Main Reasons

Why Your Guest Posts are not accepted by Top Blogs? 5 Main Reasons

Everybody wants to have a large number of audiences to their blog. For blog promotion it is good to have posts from different guests. This will create chances to improve your blog because good comments are a real source of improvement as well as your blog could grow faster. When the guests come to your blog they will definitely help you to increase traffic as well as you can find different and unique ideas to post more contents according to the choice of audience.

Tips to enhance your SEO

Tips to enhance your SEO

Improving Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most effective ways to promote your website, as well as increase the number of visitors through search engines.

Why Link Building Strategies are Vital for Smaller Brands in a Competitive Space

Why Link Building Strategies are Vital for Smaller Brands in a Competitive Space

Link building can be tiring and time consuming. If you are anything other than a large brand with the capital, time and existing web presence to create a behemoth of inbound links, you have little option but to perform these difficult and time intensive tasks for yourself. So how do you go about strategising effectively for your time and limited budget?

The Top 4 Things A Business Does Wrong When Doing SEO

The Top 4 Things A Business Does Wrong When Doing SEO

SEO, or search engine optimisation is something that a lot of businesses manage to get wrong. This is hardly surprising when you look at just how difficult it is to get right. It doesn’t matter if you are working in a business that has a high end office in London or somewhere like offices in Sunderland, businesses will still manage to get it wrong.