Category: SEO

Web Designers: What You Should Know About SEO

Web Designers: What You Should Know About SEO

Throughout my time in the SEO industry, I’ve come to find that there can be a huge disconnect between web designers and SEOs in terms of how to go about best optimizing a site for the client’s needs. Most designers that I’ve worked with don’t really know much about SEO, and that’s ok because in reality, their job is to design, not optimize. However, I can guarantee that by learning a few simple SEO tips as a designer, you will become much more marketable to your clients. Most importantly, it will be that much easier for you to work with the SEO professionalthat might have a hand in your client’s site also.

Infographics and Other Creative Ways to Help Your Linkbuilding Campaign

Infographics and Other Creative Ways to Help Your Linkbuilding Campaign

In order to run a great link building campaign, it helps to know why you are doing it in the first place. Sounds pretty basic right? Sometimes it’s easy to get swept into doing some form of Internet marketing without fully understanding the reason behind it, other than “that’s what everyone else is doing.” Yes links are good but why? In addition to greatly helping SEO efforts, in the form of helping your search engine ranking, getting back links can help increase your site’s credibility and bring more traffic and exposure to your content.

Bing Experiments With Ads In Organic Search Results

Bing Experiments With Ads In Organic Search Results

Just one week after earnings statements revealed Microsoft earned a record $69.9 billion in 2010, reports emerged that company search engine Bing was experimenting with a new search model that would mix paid ads in with organic search results. The announcement came as a shock to search engine optimization professionals who work to link searchers with companies organically.

Help Your Business To Grow Using Social Media

Help Your Business To Grow Using Social Media

The importance of social media in the online marketing environment of today can hardly be overstated. Facebook alone currently accounts for a full one fourth of the clicks performed by Internet browsers in the United States, and this number is not showing any signs of slowing down.

The Power of Google Webmaster Tools

The Power of Google Webmaster Tools

According to Alexa Search Engine rankings, Google is currently the most used search engine on the Web. Further fleshing out its position at the top of the search engine pile, Google also offers a suite of powerful Webmaster Tools that help webmasters better optimize their site for Google results, and that also can provide powerful analytical data about website traffic.

Is SEO dead?

Is SEO dead?

SEO is dead for a number of reasons. First, it has been killed, as most things are, by people that abuse the system. Those claiming to be experts building thousands upon thousands of erroneous backlinks to sites that offer no value to the searcher hoping to make a quick buck have ruined it for the rest of us.

Top Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Top Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Your conversion rate is a measurement of the efficiency of your website that you can use to compare present versions of your site with future revisions. While optimization can be a never-ending process, following a few simple tips can have a very noticeable improvement on your conversion rate. The tips that follow are a few of the simplest things you can do to your site to create a big boost in your conversion rate.

Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community

Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an evolutionary attempt of small businesses (SMBs) to connect with their communities through online search. According to Search Engine Watch’s report by Local Offer Network (2011), companies invested in local SEO are increasing sales, improving visibility and strengthen their brands by focusing their efforts on optimizing their websites for local searches.

Automating your Email with Tout

Automating your Email with Tout

One thing anyone who earns their living online or for anyone who spends a lot of time online will learn is that there are always some things you would like to automate. Automation is the key to creating processes which reduce errors and improve productivity.

SEO for e-commerce product pages

SEO for e-commerce product pages

Search engine optimisation for e-commerce sites presents a number of challenges and opportunities that need to be overcome in order to maximise conversion and rankings alike. In this post we shall look at the product page only, and how to make the most of this vital element to any e-commerce business.

Blog SEO: 6 Tips for Getting Noticed by the Search Engines

Blog SEO: 6 Tips for Getting Noticed by the Search Engines

Blogs live or die based on traffic. If no one visits your blog, you will quickly get discouraged and you will not reap the rewards you sought. Search engine optimization (SEO) can turn that around by attracting searchers who find your blog at the top of the search engine results page. These tips will help you optimize your blog for the search engines.

Google Authorship and its ties with Google+

Google Authorship and its ties with Google+

Google recently announced Google Authorship, Google’s initiative towards identifying the original author of an article. For identifying the author of an article, Google will be seeing a connection between the article page, the author profile page and the author’s Google Profile. The content page can be any article on a website and the author page is a webpage within the same domain that contains information on the author of an article.

4 ways to promote your travel website

4 ways to promote your travel website

Indeed the travel industry is one of the most competitive out there and it is important that you have a proper marketing plan if you want to succeed. Here are 4 simple ways that you can use in order to drive traffic to your website and promote your business altogether.

Using Software for Link Building on the Web

Using Software for Link Building on the Web

Scaling up link building efforts is something that every webmaster wishes that they could find the time to do. However it is not something that is easily accomplished, and the days of submitting to endless amounts of article directories are now completely over with as the Google algorithm update called Panda totally wiped that Internet marketing stagey off of the board.