Skloog – a great way to organize and access your bookmarks
When you find something of importance, you instantly press Ctrl+D on your keyboard (Bookmarking Shortcut) or bookmark it from the menu bar. Your bookmarks are safe and sound in your computer. But what if you aren’t home and you want to check on your favorite site without the hassle of remembering or typing the full URL? Skloog comes in handy at such times.
Skloog is a great place to organize and access your bookmarks with ease. You can take it as your customized homepage with links to all your most frequently visited websites. Once you create an account, you can start adding your sites of interest to the list. Skloog has an array of the most popular sites on the internet. When you click the add button and start typing the URL, the area below gets populated with the most probable links. But if you want to add a site of your choice which isn’t already available, you can submit it to Skloog with a Label and also an icon. You may also save useful bookmarklets on Skloog.
You can categorize your bookmarks in Tabs. News, Main, Shopping etc. are the Tabs or categories by default. You can add you own category for bookmarks by clicking on the settings icon on the top right. Give your category a name and Add it. Its easier than you think. You can also organize your shortcuts by moving them with your mouse. Or you can choose to switch them from one tab to another, all by clicking and dragging. This video will make things more clearer.
You can add any sort of long-tailed links besides a homepage. The add bookmark button on the left hand side on clicking brings up a page where you can add tags to a link, give it a description or email it to a friend. Adding a bookmark to Skloog can also be done via email. When you sign up for an account, you’ll be given a unique email address only to be known by you so that any email sent to the address with a link would be added to your bookmarks on Skloog. Or you can add a Skloog bookmark button to your Browser and bookmark any site by clicking on it. Just drag this Skloog Bookmark Button to your bookmarks bar. You can add further description to it and also specify tags so that it would be easier to search. You can edit or Delete your bookmarks anytime from the list.
Skloog also has an option for importing all your bookmarks. You can just export your bookmarks from your browser and the import it by uploading the file. Skloog is planning on adding an “Export Bookmark” option very soon.
So, even if you are away from home or you got your new computer, you don’t need to worry about your bookmarks. You can access them anytime, from anywhere as they remain safe with Skloog.