Why Hashtags Are Here to Stay

“Wait a second… I need to tweet this.”

“Cool, then I can retweet it.”

These days, the word ‘tweet’ does not refer to the fact that you could tweet like a bird, it is about whether or not you have something interesting to share on social media. Inspired by the speed of sound, Twitter is a social phenomenon because these days a conversation is digitized. Though this social media platform comes in close with Facebook, in terms of marketing and branding, Twitter eclipses Facebook.

How exactly?

There is a lack of clutter and you have 140 characters or less to communicate your key messages. This limitation can inspire short and quirky sentences that establish your brand as the best choice straight away. Keeping it short and simple is a golden rule in marketing, especially if you want to position yourself as the expert.

The use of RSS feeds is a big plus because unlike Facebook, a topic in several statuses is not grouped. Whereas on a Twitter feed, you can search a topic or event and a thousand comments pop up. These comments could include insights, pictures and links to other relevant information. Just make sure you use tinyURL.

In terms of customer service, through Twitter you can communicate very easily to your consumers and if another consumer has the same difficultly they can easily see your tweeted solution. All of your tweets with your followers are broadcasted as well. On a Facebook page, you need to click a button to see what everyone else is posting.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter has the hashtag which has historically created a unique way of speaking and categorizing vital information. For example, to become a fan of something and become constantly updated on their actions, you would say, ‘Follow Reputation.com on Twitter: @Reputation_Com.’

The origins of the hashtag did not begin when Twitter co –founder Jack Dorsey tweeted the very first tweet, “just setting up my twttr,”on March 21, 2006, the hashtag came later in August, 2007. It all started with Chris Messina tweeting, “how do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?”

Every human being loves to evoke a sense of belonging to something larger than themselves and using the hashtag is another unique way of evoking this concept. You could suddenly belong to a group of like minded individuals; discuss the topics you want to discuss such as news or what you ate for breakfast and even report on an event. Did you hashtag #Beyonce at the #Superbowl by any chance?

In terms of marketing and branding, hashtags are a great way to attract new consumers or followers when you suddenly drop into a digital conversation and is also another great way to do another form of RSS feeding. Hashtags are everywhere these days and can even be found in Facebook statuses because if you want to contribute your opinion on something you need to hashtag it.

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