Some Useful Google Subscribed Links
Google is undoubtedly the big boss in the Web Search Engine scenario. Google has been making the internet search more easy and user friendly every day. News search, products search, searching through microblogging sites like Twitter etc. are some cool search features by Google. With instant search, Google has taken a leap which keeps it much ahead of every other search engine. Google has a plethora of preferences for tweaking the search results. The Search settings lets you handle options like filtering for adult content, showing results from selected foreign languages and so on. Subscribed Links is also one of these. Subscribed Links let you customize Google search settings so as to show particular results from the sources of your choice. Here are some useful Subscribed Links, the results from which can directly be suggested in your Search Results.
To use Subscribed Link, you must login with your Google Account. Once you’ve logged in, click on Search Settings on the Google Homepage and towards the bottom you’ll see Subscribed Link Directory. Here are some of Subscribed links that prove to be useful. You can search for these with their names via the search box in the directory.
GeoIpTool : Ever need to know what your IP is? You must be knowing a couple of sites that show you your IP in a blink. But with GeoIpTool added to your subscribed links, you can see your IP address right on Google’s results page. Just type “whoami” or “whatismyip” on Google’s Search page and learn what your IP is. Besides, you’ll also get a decent map of your location via Google Maps.
Weather Radar : If you need to keep looking for weather at different places, this tool comes in handy. In the small widget shown along the Search Results, you can have options to update the results, show nearest weather station cameras, show video forecasts and wind forecasts.
Flight Status : This tools helps you have information on airplane flights. They also have tracking systems for flights. Some keyword regarding Flight Status subscribed Links are airport delays, PDX to SEA, aa 1241, American Airlines etc.
Horoscope : This shows your daily Horoscope in the Google Search Results. With this tool subscribed, search for the keyword Horoscope and you’ll see a widget where you can enter your Date of birth. Enter it and have a customized horoscope for yourself.
Calorielab : Do you ever wonder how much calorie your regular meal burns? This tool can give you a rough idea of the calories present in your food. Your keywords look like this, “Calories Spaghetti”, ‘cheerios’, “tuna helper kcal” etc. : The Subscribed Links by gives insights on almost any kind of drug as it has an extensive database of about 24000 different medicines. just type the name of a medicine and you’ll get a quick info on the medicine from