Splashup-An online photo editor
Have you ever edited your family photos or event photos with photo-editing applications like photoshop, paint shop pro or gimp? If yes, you might be familiar with the powerful photo refining tools and advanced photo editing techniques using layers, opacity, blending modes etc. But these tools are available to you within a particular system, i.e. they need to be installed. What if you get to use them on the fly anywhere you go?
If you think that way then splashup is the one for you. This flash based online photo editing application was previously known as fauxto. Now if you open fauxto.com, you are automatically redirected to splashup.com. Many sites nowadays offer free image uploading and sharing, so with these the web-based or online image editing applications are also sprouting up. They don’t require any additional softwares and can be accessed easily from anywhere due to which they are getting popular everyday.
You can register by choosing a username and a password. You won’t be asked to verify your email. But to use the application, signing up is not necessary.
Splashup lets you open your images for editing from six different locations. You can open images directly from the computer or from sites like flickr, facebook etc or you can also open them by giving their URL. What’s more interesting is that images taken with a webcam can be acquired and edited directly in this online photo editor. So you won’t need to leave the browser.
You can also open multiple images for editing. After editing you can also share or even download them.
Splashup offers pixel level photo editing. It allows you to use brushes and erasers and also modify their size, color and feathering values. With these, you can easily retouch photos upto minute levels. It also lets you use gradient in linear or radial form. As you drag the mouse, the gradient effect is seen instantly, letting you have a quick control over them. Other tools like smudge tool, paint bucket tool for editing details are also present in the toolbar.
You can also adjust the size and orientation of images using the crop tool, rotate tool and the free transform tool seamlessly as you would do with photoshop or gimp. With this online image editor, inserting texts, circles and polygonal shapes is just a matter of a few clicks. Layers, control of opacity, and blending modes that are virtues of standalone photo-editing applications are also available.
Although splashup has lots of praiseworthy features, the bugs and flaws inside the applications should be mentioned. It lacks keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts maintain a flow in your work and save time. Context menu items are also missing which is a limitation of Flash itself. The program itself isn’t that stable because it crashes at times, and requires a restart.
Splashup is by far the most powerful web based image editing application and requires nothing but a browser with flash player installed. It doesn’t suck up your resource and works swiftly. The vast array of photo editing tools and user friendly interface really add grace to it. So have a peek into it and try exploring the possibilities of this online photo editor.